题目 1.作业 1.判断下列逻辑语句的True,False. 1)1 > 1 or 3 < 4 or 4 > 5 and 2 > 1 and 9 > 8 or 7 < 6 2)not 2 > 1 and 3 < 4 or 4 > 5 and 2 > 1 and 9 > 8 or 7 < 6 2.求出下列逻辑语句的值. 1),8 or 3 and 4 or 2 and 0 or 9 and 7 2),0 or 2 and 3 and 4…
python3.3.2中的关键字如下: The following identifiers are used as reserved words, or keywords of the language, and cannot be used as ordinary identifiers. They must be spelled exactly as written here: False class finally is return None continue for lambda tr…
Python 入门 之 初识面向对象 1.初识面向对象编程 (核心--对象) (1)观察以下代码: # 面向过程编程 s = "alexdsb" count = 0 for i in s: count += 1 print(count) s = [1,2,7,3,4,5,] count = 0 for i in s: count += 1 print(count) # 面向对象编程 def my_len(s): count = 0 for i in s: count += 1 prin…