Testing your sites on mobile devices is a critical part of the development process. Webpack dev server enables you to visit the server from any device using the host option. This lesson walks you through accessing webpack dev server using an iPhon Ch…
参考:https://webpack.js.org/guides/development/ Adjusting Your Text Editor Some text editors have a "safe write" feature and enable this by default. As a result, saving a file will not always result in a recompile. Each editor has a different way…
在测试SQL Server 2016 Always On时,在创建侦听器后,在客户端使用SSMS, 可以用侦听器名称访问Always On集群,但是使用侦听器IP访问时遇到"The target principal name is incorrect. Cannot generate SSPI context" TITLE: Connect to Server ------------------------------ Cannot connect to 192.168.7…
我们本地有时候有多个数据库版本(^_^..别说了都是泪),都是为了兼容不同版本的数据而安装的! 最近我们需要用IP来访问,就有了这一段折腾的历程. 上图片为我安装的三个不同的版本,一个为sql server 2005 , sql server 2008,sql server 2008 r2 安装过程是先安装的sql 2005用的是默认实例,08 和 08 R2都是自定实例名. sql server 2005是可以用(我本机IP)来访问,因此是它占用了1433端口现在需要…
通过IP访问SharePoint站点,出现“The Web application at could not be found.... ”如下错误: 解决方式,是配置交替访问映射(Configure alternate access mappings),如下图所示: …
vue配置手机通过IP访问电脑开发环境config/index.js// Various Dev Server settings host: '', // can be overwritten by process.env.HOST port: 8088, // can be overwritten by process.env.PORT, if port is in use, a free one will be determined autoOpenBrowser: false…
vue配置手机通过IP访问config/index.js// Various Dev Server settings host: '', // can be overwritten by process.env.HOST port: 8088, // can be overwritten by process.env.PORT, if port is in use, a free one will be determined autoOpenBrowser: false, erro…
原文:教你发布Silverlight Bussiness Application(SQL Server 登录,局域网访问,以及使用ArcGIS Server服务需要注意的问题) 之前发布过Silverlight应用程序,当时也没有你遇到什么阻碍,直接使用的Visual Studio 2010的Publish功能,貌似也没有作什么设置.后来重装系统,也就都没有了,这两天帮一个大哥做了一些小例子,顺便整合了一下.于是闲来无聊遍想发布一下,结果费了老大周折才弄好,于是再次好好记录一下,以便下次查阅.…