Find the Difference -- LeetCode】的更多相关文章

Given two strings s and t which consist of only lowercase letters. String t is generated by random shuffling string s and then add one more letter at a random position. Find the letter that was added in t. Example: Input: s = "abcd" t = "ab…
Given a binary search tree with non-negative values, find the minimum absolute difference between values of any two nodes. Example: Input: 1 \ 3 / 2 Output: 1 Explanation: The minimum absolute difference is 1, which is the difference between 2 and 1…
Given a list of 24-hour clock time points in "Hour:Minutes" format, find the minimum minutes difference between any two time points in the list. Example 1: Input: ["23:59","00:00"] Output: 1 Note: The number of time points in…
Given a binary search tree with non-negative values, find the minimum absolute difference between values of any two nodes. Example: Input: 1 \ 3 / 2 Output: 1 Explanation: The minimum absolute difference is 1, which is the difference between 2 and 1…
LeetCode--Find the Difference Question Given two strings s and t which consist of only lowercase letters. String t is generated by random shuffling string s and then add one more letter at a random position. Find the letter that was added in t. Examp…
原题链接在这里: 题目: Given a list of 24-hour clock time points in "Hour:Minutes" format, find the minimum minutes difference between any two time points in the list. Example 1: Input: [&q…
Minimum Time Difference 题解 原创文章,拒绝转载 题目来源: Description Given a list of 24-hour clock time points in "Hour:Minutes" format, find the minimum minutes difference between any two time…
原题链接在这里: 题目: Given a binary search tree with non-negative values, find the minimum absolute difference between values of any two nodes. Example: Input: 1 \ 3 / 2 Output: 1…
原题链接在这里: 题目: Given the root of a binary tree, find the maximum value V for which there exists different nodes A and B where V = |A.val - B.val| and A is an ancestor of B. (A n…
作者: 负雪明烛 id: fuxuemingzhu 个人博客: 目录 题目描述 题目大意 解题方法 排序 日期 题目地址: 题目描述 Given an array of distinct integers arr, find all pairs of elements with the minimum absolute differen…
作者: 负雪明烛 id: fuxuemingzhu 个人博客: 目录 题目描述 题目大意 解题方法 Java解法 Python解法 日期 题目地址: 题目描述 Given a binary search tree with non-negative values, find the minimu…
作者: 负雪明烛 id: fuxuemingzhu 个人博客: 题目地址: 题目描述: Given a list of 24-hour clock time points in "Hour:Minutes" format, find the minimum minutes difference between…
Given two strings s and t which consist of only lowercase letters. String t is generated by random shuffling string s and then add one more letter at a random position. Find the letter that was added in t. Example: Input: s = "abcd" t = "ab…
-------------------------------------------------- 先计算每个字母的出现次数然后减去,最后剩下的那一个就是后来添加的了. AC代码: public class Solution { public char findTheDifference(String s, String t) { int book[]=new int[26]; for(int i=0;i<s.length();i++) book[s.charAt(i)-'a']++; for…
530. Minimum Absolute Difference in BST Given a binary search tree with non-negative values, find the minimum absolute difference between values of any two nodes. Example: Input:      1     \      3     /    2   Output: 1   Explanation: The minimum a…
这是悦乐书的第253次更新,第266篇原创 01 看题和准备 今天介绍的是LeetCode算法题中Easy级别的第120题(顺位题号是530).给定具有非负值的二叉搜索树,找到任意两个节点的值之间的最小绝对差.例: 输入: 1 \ 3 / 2 输出:1 说明:最小绝对差值为1,即2和1之间(或2和3之间)的差值. 注意:此BST中至少有两个节点. 本次解题使用的开发工具是eclipse,jdk使用的版本是1.8,环境是win7 64位系统,使用Java语言编写和测试. 02 第一种解法 题目的要…
这是悦乐书的第214次更新,第227篇原创 01 看题和准备 今天介绍的是LeetCode算法题中Easy级别的第82题(顺位题号是389).给定两个字符串s和t,它们只包含小写字母.字符串t由随机混洗字符串s生成,然后在随机位置再添加一个字母.找到t中添加的字母.例如: 输入:s ="abcd", t ="abcde" 输出:'e' 说明:'e'是添加的字母. 本次解题使用的开发工具是eclipse,jdk使用的版本是1.8,环境是win7 64位系统,使用Jav…
Given a binary search tree with non-negative values, find the minimum absolute difference between values of any two nodes. Example: Input: 1 \ 3 / 2 Output: 1 Explanation: The minimum absolute difference is 1, which is the difference between 2 and 1…
Given a Binary Search Tree (BST) with the root node root, return the minimum difference between the values of any two different nodes in the tree. Example : Input: root = [4,2,6,1,3,null,null] Output: 1 Explanation: Note that root is a TreeNode objec…
Given two strings s and t which consist of only lowercase letters. String t is generated by random shuffling string s and then add one more letter at a random position. Find the letter that was added in t. Example: Input: s = "abcd" t = "ab…
这是小川的第次更新,第篇原创 看题和准备 今天介绍的是LeetCode算法题中Easy级别的第268题(顺位题号是1200).给定一个由不同的整数组成的数组arr,找到所有对元素,其中任意两个元素的绝对差值都最小. 以升序返回关于配对的列表(相对于配对),每对[a,b]紧随其后: a,b来自arr a < b b-a等于arr中任何两个元素的最小绝对差 例如: 输入:arr = [4,2,1,3] 输出:[[1,2],[2,3],[3,4]] 说明:最小绝对差为1.以升序列出所有差等于1的对.…
题目如下: Given an integer array arr and an integer difference, return the length of the longest subsequence in arr which is an arithmetic sequence such that the difference between adjacent elements in the subsequence equals difference. Example 1: Input:…
题目如下: Given an array of distinct integers arr, find all pairs of elements with the minimum absolute difference of any two elements. Return a list of pairs in ascending order(with respect to pairs), each pair [a, b] follows a, b are from arr a < b b -…
问题 该文章的最新版本已迁移至个人博客[比特飞],单击链接 访问. 给定一个所有节点为非负值的二叉搜索树,求树中任意两节点的差的绝对值的最小值. 输入: 1     \      3     /    2 输出: 1 解释: 最小绝对差为1,其中 2 和 1 的差的绝对值为 1(或者 2 和 3). 注意: 树中至少有2个节点. Given a binary search tree with non-negativ…
作者: 负雪明烛 id: fuxuemingzhu 个人博客: 目录 题目描述 题目大意 解题方法 排序 日期 题目地址: 题目描述 给你两个字符串 s1 和 s2 ,它们长度相等,请你检查是否存在一个 s1 的排列可以打破 s2 的一个排列,或者是否存在一个 s2 的排列可以打破 s1 的一个排列.…
作者: 负雪明烛 id: fuxuemingzhu 个人博客: 目录 题目描述 题目大意 解题方法 暴力 日期 题目地址: 题目描述 给你一个整数 num .你可以对它进行如下步骤恰好 两次 : 选择一个数字 x (0 <= x <= 9). 选择另一个数字 y (0 <=…
作者: 负雪明烛 id: fuxuemingzhu 个人博客: 目录 题目描述 题目大意 解题方法 方法一:字典统计次数 方法二:异或 方法三:排序 日期 [LeetCode] Difficulty: Easy 题目描述 Given two strings s and t which consist of only lowercase letter…
Given two strings s and t which consist of only lowercase letters. String t is generated by random shuffling string s and then add one more letter at a random position. Find the letter that was added in t. Example: Input: s = "abcd" t = "ab…
Given two strings s and t which consist of only lowercase letters. String t is generated by random shuffling string s and then add one more letter at a random position. Find the letter that was added in t. Example: Input: s = "abcd" t = "ab…
原题 Given two strings s and t which consist of only lowercase letters. String t is generated by random shuffling string s and then add one more letter at a random position. Find the letter that was added in t. Example: Input: s = "abcd" t = "…