修改 MariaDB 路径到 home 路径下, 执行 systemctl start mariadb 启动MariaDB 时,报错提示: Job for mariadb.service failed because the control process exited with error code. See "systemctl status mariadb.service" and "journalctl -xe" for details. systemctl…
windows server2008下如何更改MySQL数据库的目录的帖子已经很多了,这里简单介绍一个步骤,如果不成功请先查看其它帖子. 更改默认的mysql数据库目录 将 C:\Documents and Settings\All Users\Application Data\MySQL\MySQL Server 5.1\data 改到 D:\MysqlData . 建立文件夹 D:\MysqlData . 停止 mysql 服务,将 "C:\Documents and Settings\Al…
修改 /config/elasticsearch.yml(我的安装目录是:/var/www/elasticsearch-6.4.2/elasticsearch-6.4.2), network.host: 但修改后,es启动失败了(注意:elasticsearch 无法用 root 用户启动,请切换到普通用户), Native controller process has stopped - no new native processes can be started 解决办法:…
1.安装时如果修改安装路径后报错 例如想把“C:\Program Files\Microsoft SQL Server” 修改为“D:\Program Files\Microsoft SQL Server” 错误的详细信息是:"The INSTANCESHAREDWOWDIR command line value was not specified. This value must be specified when the INSTANCESHAREDDIR value is specifie…