一组外企iOS开发的笔试题,您能回答出来吗?从群里收集来的. 1 why can't NSArray contain NSInteger Instance? with which extra step can you do it?2.complete this code so that it becomes syntacticallty correct using no more than one additional word and square branckets NsInteger m…
不多说,直接上干货! 问题详情 明明put该有的文件在,可是怎么提示的是文件找不到的错误呢? 我就纳闷了put: `/home/bigdata/1.txt': No such file or directory [bigdata@ambigdata1 ~]$ pwd /home/bigdata [bigdata@ambigdata1 ~]$ ls .txt Desktop Documents Downloads Music Pictures Public Templates Videos [bi…