经过快3个月的测试,kbmmw 4.40 正式版终于在圣诞节前发布了. We are happy to announce the availability of a new kbmMW release! This is a major release that amongst other things adds support for Delphi XE5 Win32/Win64/OSX/IOS/Android. The release also includes the following m…
PyPy 2.1 Beta1 才刚刚在2天前发布,今天 PyPy 宣布 2.1 正式版发布. 值得关注的改进内容有: JIT support for ARM, architecture versions 6 and 7, hard- and soft-float ABI Stacklet support for ARM Support for os.statvfs and os.fstatvfs on unix systems Improved logging performance Faste…