CMOS logic is a newer technology, based on the use of complementary MOS transistors toperform logic functions with almost no current required. [1] This makes these gates very useful inbattery-powered applications. The fact that they will work with su…
排版有点乱.... ========================================================================= Operational Amplifiers (OAs) are highly stable, high gain dc difference amplifiers. Sincethere is no capacitive coupling between their various amplifying stages, they…
要求每天阅读一篇技术文档,不需要记下来,只是能看懂就好..后发现,这就是专业英语的课程资料. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- At the most basic level, a signal amplifier does exactly what you expect – it makes…
Transistor Tutorial Summary Transistor Tutorial Summary Bipolar Junction Transistor Tutorial We can summarise this transistors tutorial section as follows: The Bipolar Junction Transistor (BJT) is a three layer device constructed form two semiconduct…
TTL電路是晶體管-晶體管邏輯電路的英文縮寫(Transister-Transister-Logic ),是數字集成電路的一大門類.它采用雙極型工藝制造,具有高速度低功耗和品種多等特點. CMOS是:金屬-氧化物-半導體(Metal-Oxide-Semiconductor)結構的晶體管簡稱MOS晶體管,有P型MOS管和N型MOS管 之分.由 MOS管構成的集成電路稱為MOS集成電路,而由PMOS管和NMOS管共同構成的互補型MOS集成電路即為 CMOS-IC( Complementary MOS…
Translating English Sentences System Specifications Boolean Searches Logic Puzzles Logic Circuits…
参考: 1. 2. TTL电平 编辑 锁定 讨论999   TTL电平信号规定,+5V等价于逻辑"1",0V等价于逻辑"0"(采用二进制来表示数据时).这样的数据通信及电平规定方式,被称做TTL(晶体管-晶体管逻辑电平)信号系统.这是…
fault simulation是指对fault circuit的simulation,来locate manufacturing defects并且进行fault diagnosis. logic simulation针对logic circuit model的simulation,主要有compiled-code和event-driven两种techniques. Logic simulation针对design verification的: 一般design verificaiton起始于…
[1] CMOS logic is a newer technology, based on the use of complementary MOS transistorsto perform logic functions with almost no current required. [2] Here we have a two-input NAND gate, where a logic 0 at either input will force the output to logic…
1.Noise Margin 不管是TTL还是CMOS Logic Level,都会有门限.如,5V CMOS的VoutH > 4.4V, VoutL <0.33V;而它对应的输入电平VinH >3.5 , VinL <1.5V.所以,这里5V COMS的noise margin为VnH=4.4-3.5=0.9V. 为什么要有Noise Margin?因为信号在传输的时候会有噪音引入,同时,肯能会因为线路阻抗的不匹配而有发射信号在传输线上回荡.原本4.4V的高电平,加些乱七八糟的信…