【TP SRM 703 div2 500】 GCDGraph】的更多相关文章

Problem Statement You are given four ints: n, k, x, and y. The ints n and k describe a simple undirected graph. The graph has n nodes, numbered 1 through n. Two distinct vertices i and j are connected by an edge if and only if gcd(i, j) > k. Here, gc…
Problem Statement A string of zeros and ones is called an alternating string if no two adjacent characters are the same. Examples of alternating strings: "1", "10101", "0101010101". You are given a string s. Each character of…
Problem Statement You are given two ints: n and m. Let D be the number of permutations of the set {1,2,-,n+m} such that the first m values are not fixed points of the permutation. Formally, we are interested in permutations p such that for each j bet…
Problem Statement Alice has a string s of lowercase letters. The string is written on a wall. Alice also has a set of cards. Each card contains a single letter. Alice can take any card and glue it on top of one of the letters of s. She may use any su…
Problem Statement You are given a vector t that describes a rectangular table of zeroes and ones. Each character in t is either '0' or '1'. We say that a table is nice if there are two sequences x, y of zeroes and ones such that for each valid pair o…
周赛时遇到的一道比较有意思的题目: Problem Statement      There are N rooms in Maki's new house. The rooms are numbered from 0 to N-1. Some pairs of rooms are connected by bidirectional passages. The passages have the topology of a tree. That is, there are exactly N-…
这题明明是一个简单的类似约瑟夫环的问题,但是由于细节问题迟迟不能得到正确结果,结果比赛完几分钟才改对..耻辱. 代码: #include <iostream> #include <cstdio> #include <cstring> #include <cmath> #include <algorithm> #define ll long long using namespace std; #define NN 370000 class Choo…
100的数据直接暴力就行,想多了... ac的代码: #include <iostream> #include <cstdio> #include <cstring> #include <cstdlib> #include <cmath> #include <algorithm> #include <vector> #define LL __int64 +; using namespace std; int a[maxn]…
# [Codeforces #312 div2 A]Lala Land and Apple Trees 首先,此题的大意是在一条坐标轴上,有\(n\)个点,每个点的权值为\(a_{i}\),第一次从原点开始走,方向自选(<- or ->),在过程中,若遇到一个权值>0的点,则将此权值计入答案,并归零.当次.此方向上的所有点均为0后,输出此时的答案. 然后,进行分析: 我们很容易想到这是一个贪心,我们将正的和负的分别存入两个数组,最初的方向为: \(zhengsum > fusum…
[JAVA零基础入门系列](已完结)导航目录 Day1 开发环境搭建 Day2 Java集成开发环境IDEA Day3 Java基本数据类型 Day4 变量与常量 Day5 Java中的运算符 Day6 Java字符串 Day7 Java输入与输出 Day8 Java的控制流程 Day9 Java中的那个大数值 Day10 Java中的数组 Day11 Java中的类和对象 Day12 Java类的简单应用 Day13 Java类的继承与多态 Day14 Java对象的克隆 Day15 对象的比…