centos 安装包[rpm]和光盘iso文件 http://mirror.centos.org/centos/ 对应如上包的代码 http://vault.centos.org/ git.centos.org centos7的ReleaseNote 10. Sources All CentOS-7 sources are hosted at git.centos.org. All code released into the distribution originated from git.c…
下面一步一步介绍一下如何在Red Hat Enterprise Linux系统上为SQL Server配置共享磁盘集群(Shared Disk Cluster)及其相关使用(仅供测试学习之用,基础篇) 一. 创建共享磁盘和 Cluster 微软官方配置文档:https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/sql/linux/sql-server-linux-shared-disk-cluster-red-hat-7-configure. Linux Cluster结构…
下面简单介绍一下如何在Red Hat Enterprise Linux上一步一步创建一个SQL Server AG(Always On Availability Group),以及配置过程中遇到的坑的填充方法. 之前发表过一篇类似的文章是Configure Always On Availability Group for SQL Server on Ubuntu——Ubuntu上配置SQL Server Always On Availability Group,有对Ubuntu感兴趣的请看那一篇…
Red Hat Enterprise Linux Server(RHEL) yum安装软件时This system is not registered with RHN. RHN support will be disabled. Red Hat Enterprise Linux Server(RHEL) 的yum服务是付费的,因为没有付费,所以无法使用yum安装软件,如RHEL想安装LNMP必须要先按此教程设置好yum,并可以正常使用后才可以安装LNMP一键安装包,会提示如下错误:This s…
environment Red Hat Enterprise Linux 5.4 or later Red Hat Enterprise Linux 6.0 or later KVM virtual machines question How do I configure a bridged network interface for KVM using Red Hat Enterprise Linux 5.4 or later? On RHEL 6, what is the recommend…