ZOJ 1860:Dog & Gopher】的更多相关文章

Dog & Gopher Time Limit: 2 Seconds      Memory Limit: 65536 KB A large field has a dog and a gopher. The dog wants to eat the gopher, while the gopher wants to run to safety through one of several gopher holes dug in the surface of the field.  Neithe…
Dog & Gopher Time Limit: 1000MS   Memory Limit: 65536K Total Submissions: 4142   Accepted: 1747 Description A large field has a dog and a gopher. The dog wants to eat the gopher, while the gopher wants to run to safety through one of several gopher h…
Catenyms Time Limit: 1000MS   Memory Limit: 65536K Total Submissions: 10186   Accepted: 2650 Description A catenym is a pair of words separated by a period such that the last letter of the first word is the same as the last letter of the second. For…
点击打开链接 单词拼接 时间限制:3000 ms  |  内存限制:65535 KB 难度:5 描述 给你一些单词,请你判断能否把它们首尾串起来串成一串. 前一个单词的结尾应该与下一个单词的道字母相同. 如 aloha dog arachnid gopher tiger rat 可以拼接成:aloha.arachnid.dog.gopher.rat.tiger 输入 第一行是一个整数N(0<N<20),表示测试数据的组数 每组测试数据的第一行是一个整数M,表示该组测试数据中有M(2<M&…
各种杂题,水题,模拟,包括简单数论. 1001 A+B 1002 A+B+C 1009 Fat Cat 1010 The Angle 1011 Unix ls 1012 Decoding Task 1019 Grandpa's Other Estate 1034 Simple Arithmetics 1036 Complete the sequence! 1043 Maya Calendar 1054 Game Prediction 1057 Mileage Bank 1067 Rails 10…
                     Catenyms Time Limit: 1000MS   Memory Limit: 65536K Total Submissions: 8368   Accepted: 2202 Description A catenym is a pair of words separated by a period such that the last letter of the first word is the same as the last letter…
Problem 洛谷P1127-词链 Accept: 256    Submit: 1.3kTime Limit: 1000 mSec    Memory Limit : 128MB Problem Description 如果单词 XXX 的末字母与单词 YYY 的首字母相同,则 XXX 与 YYY 可以相连成 X.YX.YX.Y .(注意: XXX . YYY 之间是英文的句号“.”).例如,单词dog与单词gopher,则dog与gopher可以相连成dog.gopher. 另外还有一些例…
Catenyms Time Limit: 1000MS   Memory Limit: 65536K Total Submissions: 8756   Accepted: 2306 Description A catenym is a pair of words separated by a period such that the last letter of the first word is the same as the last letter of the second. For e…
Catenyms Time Limit: 1000MS   Memory Limit: 65536K Total Submissions: 8173   Accepted: 2149 Description A catenym is a pair of words separated by a period such that the last letter of the first word is the same as the last letter of the second. For e…
Catenyms Time Limit: 1000MS   Memory Limit: 65536K Total Submissions: 11648   Accepted: 3036 Description A catenym is a pair of words separated by a period such that the last letter of the first word is the same as the last letter of the second. For…
目录 1 问题描述 2 解决方案   1 问题描述 Description A catenym is a pair of words separated by a period such that the last letter of the first word is the same as the last letter of the second. For example, the following are catenyms: dog.gopher gopher.rat rat.tige…
                                                           Catenyms Time Limit: 1000MS   Memory Limit: 65536K Total Submissions: 11526   Accepted: 2993 Description A catenym is a pair of words separated by a period such that the last letter of the fi…
单词拼接时间限制:3000 ms | 内存限制:65535 KB难度:5 描述给你一些单词,请你判断能否把它们首尾串起来串成一串.前一个单词的结尾应该与下一个单词的道字母相同.如 aloha dog arachnid gopher tiger rat 可以拼接成:aloha.arachnid.dog.gopher.rat.tiger 输入第一行是一个整数N(0<N<20),表示测试数据的组数每组测试数据的第一行是一个整数M,表示该组测试数据中有M(2<M<1000)个互不相同的单词…
P1127 词链 题目描述 如果单词X的末字母与单词Y的首字母相同,则X与Y可以相连成X.Y.(注意:X.Y之间是英文的句号“.”).例如,单词dog与单词gopher,则dog与gopher可以相连成dog.gopher. 另外还有一些例子: dog.gopher gopher.rat rat.tiger aloha.aloha arachnid.dog 连接成的词可以与其他单词相连,组成更长的词链,例如: aloha.arachnid.dog.gopher.rat.tiger 注意到,“.”…
单词拼接 时间限制:3000 ms  |  内存限制:65535 KB 难度:5 描述 给你一些单词,请你判断能否把它们首尾串起来串成一串. 前一个单词的结尾应该与下一个单词的道字母相同. 如 aloha dog arachnid gopher tiger rat 可以拼接成:aloha.arachnid.dog.gopher.rat.tiger 输入 第一行是一个整数N(0<N<20),表示测试数据的组数 每组测试数据的第一行是一个整数M,表示该组测试数据中有M(2<M<1000…
99-单词拼接 内存限制:64MB 时间限制:3000ms 特判: No 通过数:7 提交数:14 难度:5 题目描述: 给你一些单词,请你判断能否把它们首尾串起来串成一串. 前一个单词的结尾应该与下一个单词的道字母相同. 如 aloha dog arachnid gopher tiger rat 可以拼接成:aloha.arachnid.dog.gopher.rat.tiger 输入描述: 第一行是一个整数N(0<N<20),表示测试数据的组数 每组测试数据的第一行是一个整数M,表示该组测试…
// 很久不写图论,连模板也不熟悉了0.0 // 这题是一个技巧性比较高的暴力DFS Catenyms 题目大意 定义catenym为首尾字母相同的单词组成的单词对, 例如: dog.gopher gopher.rat rat.tiger aloha.aloha arachnid.dog 而catenym系统则是多个利用该规则组成的单词串,例如: aloha.aloha.arachnid.dog.gopher.rat.tiger 给定一组单词,让你判断是否能组成catenym系统,且每个单词只能…
题目描述 如果单词X的末字母与单词Y的首字母相同,则X与Y可以相连成X.Y.(注意:X.Y之间是英文的句号“.”).例如,单词dog与单词gopher,则dog与gopher可以相连成dog.gopher. 另外还有一些例子: dog.gopher gopher.rat rat.tiger aloha.aloha arachnid.dog 连接成的词可以与其他单词相连,组成更长的词链,例如: aloha.arachnid.dog.gopher.rat.tiger 注意到,“.”两边的字母一定是相…
A catenym is a pair of words separated by a period such that the last letter of the first word is the same as the last letter of the second. For example, the following are catenyms: dog.gopher gopher.rat rat.tiger aloha.aloha arachnid.dog A compound…
Description A catenym is a pair of words separated by a period such that the last letter of the first word is the same as the last letter of the second. For example, the following are catenyms: dog.gopher gopher.rat rat.tiger aloha.aloha arachnid.dog…
POJ 1860 Currency Exchange / ZOJ 1544 Currency Exchange (最短路径相关,spfa求环) Description Several currency exchange points are working in our city. Let us suppose that each point specializes in two particular currencies and performs exchange operations onl…
http://acm.zju.edu.cn/onlinejudge/showProblem.do?problemCode=1882 http://poj.org/problem?id=2536 题目大意: 有n之地鼠和m个地洞,他们需要在s秒内以v秒的速度跑进洞中,否则会被鹰抓走.给定每个地鼠和洞的坐标,每个洞最多容纳一只地鼠,问最小有危险的地鼠个数. 思路: 跑回学校了~来A几题. 几个月前看的题不会做T T,现在好简单... 本题可以转化为二分图匹配.如果地鼠到洞的时间小于s,那么久建一条边…
转自——http://blog.csdn.net/qwe20060514/article/details/8112550 =============================以下是最小生成树+并查集======================================[HDU]1213   How Many Tables   基础并查集★1272   小希的迷宫   基础并查集★1325&&poj1308  Is It A Tree?   基础并查集★1856   More i…
第十三届浙江省大学生程序设计竞赛 I 题, 一道模拟题. ZOJ  3944http://www.icpc.moe/onlinejudge/showProblem.do?problemCode=3944 In a BG (dinner gathering) for ZJU ICPC team, the coaches wanted to count the number of people present at the BG. They did that by having the waitre…
A Simple Tree Problem Time Limit: 3 Seconds      Memory Limit: 65536 KB Given a rooted tree, each node has a boolean (0 or 1) labeled on it. Initially, all the labels are 0. We define this kind of operation: given a subtree, negate all its labels. An…
这道题目还是简单的,但是自己WA了好几次,总结下: 1.对输入的总结,加上上次ZOJ Problem Set - 1334 Basically Speaking ac代码及总结这道题目的总结 题目要求输入的格式: START X Y Z END 这算做一个data set,这样反复,直到遇到ENDINPUT.我们可以先吸纳一个字符串判断其是否为ENDINPUT,若不是进入,获得XYZ后,吸纳END,再进行输出结果 2.注意题目是一个圆周,所以始终用锐角进行计算,即z=360-z; 3.知识点的误…
放了一个长长的暑假,可能是这辈子最后一个这么长的暑假了吧,呵呵...今天来实验室了,先找了zoj上面简单的题目练练手直接贴代码了,不解释,就是一道简单的密文转换问题: #include <stdio.h> #include <string.h> int main() { char cText[1000]; char start[10]; char end[5]; while(scanf("%s",start)!=EOF&&strcmp(start…
这道题目说白了是一道平面几何的数学问题,重在理解题目的意思: 题目说,弗雷德想买地盖房养老,但是土地每年会被密西西比河淹掉一部分,而且经调查是以半圆形的方式淹没的,每年淹没50平方英里,以初始水岸线为x轴,平分半圆为y轴,建立如下图的坐标系 问题:给出坐标点(y>0),让你判断在那一年这个坐标点会被淹没. 解决方案:我们可以转换成的数学模型是来比较坐标点到原点的距离与半圆半径的大小即可知道该点是否被淹没,公式如下: 1.由于每年半圆面积增长50平方英里,可得半径递推公式R2=sqrt(100/p…
今天在ZOJ上做了道很简单的题目是关于加密解密问题的,此题的关键点就在于求余的逆运算: 比如假设都是正整数 A=(B-C)%D 则 B - C = D*n + A 其中 A < D 移项 B = A+C + D*n 当B<D时,两边对D取摸,  B = B%D = ( A+C + D*n )%D = (A+C)%D 由此可得此题答案,见代码 #include <cstdio> #include <cstring> int main() { ]; ],ctext[]; w…
ZOJ ACM题集,编译环境VC6.0 #include <stdio.h> int main() { int a,b; while(scanf("%d%d",&a,&b)!=EOF) { printf("%d\n",a+b); } ; }…