
<style> body {   background: black;   text-align: center; } #cans {   background: white; } </style> <script>    window.onload=function(){    let OC=document.getElementById("cans");    let ctx=OC.getContext("2d");   ct…
1.首先说一下canvas类: Class Overview The Canvas class holds the "draw" calls. To draw something, you need 4 basic components: A Bitmap to hold the pixels, a Canvas to host the draw calls (writing into the bitmap), a drawing primitive (e.g. Rect, Path,…
引自: 1.首先说一下canvas类: Class Overview The Canvas class holds the "draw" calls. To draw something, you need 4 basic components: A Bitmap to hold the pixels, a Canvas to host the draw calls (writing…
Android利用canvas画各种图形(点.直线.弧.圆.椭圆.文字.矩形.多边形.曲线.圆角矩形) 本文链接:首先说一下canvas类:Class OverviewThe Canvas class holds the "draw" calls. To draw something, you need 4 basic components: A Bitmap to hol…
使用javascript和canvas画月半弯,月半弯好浪漫!浏览器须支持html5 查看效果: 以下是代码: <!doctype html> <html> <head> <title>使用javascript和canvas画月半弯-柯乐义</title> <style> canvas{display: block;border:1px dotted skybl…
html代码: <canvas id="clickCanvas2"  width="180" height="180" data-total="100" data-curr="75"></canvas> js代码: $(function(){                           $("#clickCanvas1").canvasChart({   …
踩个猴尾不容易啊  Canvas画个猴子 <!DOCTYPE html> <html> <head> <meta charset="UTF-8" /> <meta name="Keywords" content="" /> <meta name="Description" content="" /> <meta http-equi…
canvas画一颗星星: 规则的星星有内切圆和外切圆,每两个点之间的角度是固定的,因此可得到星星的每个点的坐标,画出星星. function drawStars(x,y,radius1,radius2,num,drawType,color){ var angle = 360/(num*2); var arr = []; for(var i=0;i<num*2;i++){ var starObj = {}; if(i%2==0){ starObj.x = x+radius1*Math.cos(i*…
<!DOCTYPE html> <html> <head> <meta charset="utf-8"> <meta http-equiv="X-UA-Compatible" content="IE=edge"> <title>canvas画时钟</title> <script> window.onload = function() { var can…
虽然标题是画椭圆,但是我们先来说说Canvas中的圆 相信大家对于Canvas画圆都不陌生   oGC.arc(400, 300, 100, 0, 2*Math.PI, false); 如上所示,直接调用API就可以了,但是计算机内部却是使用光栅学,利用bresenham算法画圆的,这个我们放到最后来说,先说说利用圆的参数方程画圆 circle(oGC, 400, 300, 100); function circle(context, x, y, a) { // x,y是坐标;a是半径 var…