本机环境:win10系统 64位 vs2017 最近码代码时偶然发现了bits/stdc++.h这个头文件(万能头文件),基本上所有的代码只要用了这个头文件就不再写其他头文件了. 看到它就仿佛开启了新世界(也有缺点,就是导致编译速度变慢,不过一般可以忽略不计).[如果安装了MinGW的直接在文件夹里面找到bits这个文件夹,把里面内容复制粘贴到vs的头文件库里面] 1 .新建txt文档,把以下代码(stdc++.h源码)复制进去: // C++ includes used for precomp…
异常处理汇总-后端系列 http://www.cnblogs.com/dunitian/p/4523006.html 应用场景:ViewModel==>Mode映射的时候出错 AutoMappe r错误信息:Unmapped members were found. Review the types and members below.Add a custom mapping expression, ignore, add a custom resolver, or modify the sour…
Modify Branding of FreeCAD eryar@163.com This article describes the Branding of FreeCAD. Branding means to start your own application based on FreeCAD. That can be only your own executable or splash screen till a complete reworked program. Based on t…