Introduction This document describes ASP.NET Core integration for ASP.NET Boilerplate framework. ASP.NET Core integration is implemented in Abp.AspNetCore nuget package 本文档介绍了ASP.NET样板ASP.NET核心集成框架.ASP.NET的核心集成在abp.aspnetcore NuGet包实现 Migrating to AS…
Packages ASP.NET Boilerplate is distributed on nuget. Here, a list of all official packages. Abp Core package. All other packages depends on it. Abp.AspNetCore ASP.NET Core integration package. Abp.Web.Common Common web related classes (Used both by…
Introduction While some applications target a single timezone, some others target to many different timezones. To satisfy such needs and centralize datetime operations, Abp provides common infrastructure for datetime operations. 一些应用目标一个时区,另一些目标的许多不同…
Introduction Any application has at least one language for user interface. Many applications have more than one. ASP.NET Boilerplate provides a flexible localization system for an application. 任何应用程序至少有一种用于用户界面的语言.许多应用程序有多个.ASP.NET样板提供了一种柔性定位系统中的应用.…
2019 年起如何开始学习 ABP 框架系列文章-开篇有益 [[TOC]] 本系列文章推荐阅读地址为:52ABP 开发文档 本文的目的是为了让刚刚接触 ABP 框架的同学或者准备接触 ABP 框架的同学,能够理解和搞明白 ABP 框架到底是怎么回事,毕竟它发展了好几年的时间.社区中有很多人做 了 ABP 的资料和文章包括我自己也建立了 52ABP,社区中还有 ABPplus 等等的内…
老周的ABP框架系列教程 -- 一.框架理论初步学习   1. ABP框架的来源与作用简介 1.1  简介 1.1.1       ABP框架全称为"ASP.NET Boilerplate Project",中文翻译为" ASP.NET样板项目",诞生的主要目的就是为了让.NET程序员"秒变"架构师,将.NET企业级项目的主流开发技术.最先进的架构整合起来,让.NET工程师能够更快的开发出更好的项目. 1.1.2       ABP官方网站:ht…
Introduction Abp.Web.SignalR nuget package makes it easily to use SignalR in ASP.NET Boilerplate based applications. See SignalR documentation for detailed information on SignalR. Installation Server Side Install Abp.Web.SignalRnuget package to your…
Introduction ASP.NET Boilerplate is integrated to ASP.NET Web API Controllers via Abp.Web.Api nuget package. You can create regular ASP.NET Web API Controllers as you always do. Dependency Injection properly works for regular ApiControllers. But you…
Introduction "Cross-Site Request Forgery (CSRF) is a type of attack that occurs when a malicious web site, email, blog, instant message, or program causes a user’s web browser to perform an unwanted action on a trusted site for which the user is curr…
What Is Multi Tenancy? "Software Multitenancy refers to a software architecture in which a single instance of a software runs on a server and serves multiple tenants. A tenant is a group of users who share a common access with specific privileges to…