前言: 最近想看看矢量中值滤波(Vector median filter, VMF)在GRB图像上的滤波效果,意外的是找了一大圈却发现网上没有现成的code,所以通过matab亲自实现了一个,需要学习的朋友可以拿过去用.本文的核心是VMF的matlab实现,最后通过在RGB图像上应用举例说明. VMF的数学表达: 含有N个矢量的集合{C1,C2,...CN},它的VMF结果如下所示: 其中,CVM1表示距离所有其他向量的距离和最小的那个向量.而距离可以自己定义,常用的欧氏距离,曼哈顿距离等等.…
四年前第一次看到<100+ Times FasterWeighted Median Filter (WMF)>一文时,因为他附带了源代码,而且还是CVPR论文,因此,当时也对代码进行了一定的整理和解读,但是当时觉得这个算法虽然对原始速度有不少的提高,但是还是比较慢.因此,没有怎么在意,这几天有几位朋友又提到这篇文章,于是把当时的代码和论文又仔细的研读了一番,对论文的思想和其中的实现也有了一些新的新的,再次做个总结和分享. 这篇文章的官网地址是:http://www.cse.cuhk.edu.h…
实验要求: Objective: To understand the non-linearity of median filtering and its noise suppressing ability, especially for the pepper-noises, the salt-noises and the pepper-and-salt noises. Main requirements: Ability of programming with C, C++, or Matlab…
Median Filter Time Limit: 4000/2000 MS (Java/Others)    Memory Limit: 32768/32768 K (Java/Others)Total Submission(s): 1092    Accepted Submission(s): 269 Problem Description Median filter is a cornerstone of modern image processing and is used extens…
基于两步法的网格去噪算法顾名思义包含两个步骤:首先对网格表面的法向进行滤波,得到调整后的网格法向信息,然后根据调整后的法向更新顶点坐标位置,下面介绍三篇该类型的文章. [Sun et al. 2007]文章首先介绍了当前法向滤波方法以及顶点坐标更新方法,然后提出自己的法向滤波方法和顶点坐标更新方法. 法向滤波方法: 1.均值滤波(mean filter):ni’ = normalize(Σj∈N(i) Aj·nj / Σj∈N(i) Aj),均值滤波会破坏网格的细节特征. 2.中值滤波(medi…
今天看前辈博客的时候看到一种新的基于RGB颜色空间的image contrast enhance filter 流浪的鱼link: http://blog.csdn.net/jia20003/article/details/7385160#comments 算法的实现还是非常easy的. 左边的均是原图.右边的是增强后的图片,只是感觉RGB空间的算法都还是又色相转移的问题...这样的算法的效果没有HSV的效果好-说死点.这样的做法就是不正确的.... 一下參数均使用 对照度1.5 亮度 1 即对…
题目链接: A. Median Smoothing time limit per test 2 seconds memory limit per test 256 megabytes input standard input output standard output A schoolboy named Vasya loves reading books on programming and mathematics. He has recently read an encyclopedia a…
time limit per test2 seconds memory limit per test256 megabytes inputstandard input outputstandard output A schoolboy named Vasya loves reading books on programming and mathematics. He has recently read an encyclopedia article that described the meth…
A. Median Smoothing time limit per test 2 seconds memory limit per test 256 megabytes input standard input output standard output A schoolboy named Vasya loves reading books on programming and mathematics. He has recently read an encyclopedia article…
B. Rebranding The name of one small but proud corporation consists of n lowercase English letters. The Corporation has decided to try rebranding — an active marketing strategy, that includes a set of measures to change either the brand (both for the…