
问题 F: GlitchBot 时间限制: 1 Sec  内存限制: 128 MB 提交: 230  解决: 113 [提交] [状态] [命题人:admin] 题目描述 One of our delivery robots is malfunctioning! The job of the robot is simple; it should follow a list of instructions in order to reach a target destination. The li…
Kattis - glitchbot [DFS] 题意 有一个机器人 刚开始在(0, 0),然后给出一个目标点,并且会给出一系列指令,但是其中会有一个指令是错误的.我们需要找出那个指令,并且改成正确的. 思路 因为数据范围比较小,我们可以把每条指令都改一下 暴力搜索一下,能不能走到目标点,如果改了,可以 那么 这就是答案 直接输出 break 掉就可以了 AC代码 #include <iostream> #include <cstdio> #include <algorith…
GlitchBot 题目描述 One of our delivery robots is malfunctioning! The job of the robot is simple; it should follow a list of instructions in order to reach a target destination. The list of instructions is originally correct to get the robot to the target…
One of our delivery robots is malfunctioning! The job of the robot is simple; it should follow a list of instructions in order to reach a target destination. The list of instructions is originally correct to get the robot to the target. However, some…