In React, components manage their own state. In this lesson, we'll walk through building a component which manages it's own state as well as using TextInput and TouchableHighlight to handle touch events. import React, { Component, PropTypes } from 'r…
Inside the app component, we use NavigatiorIOS to render the compoent: class githubnotetaker extends Component { render() { return ( <NavigatorIOS style={styles.container} initialRoute={{ title: 'Github note taker', component: Main }} /> ); } } This…
<英文写作指南 The elements of style>[PDF]下载链接: The elements of style>[PDF]" TITLE="<英文写作指南 The elements of style>[PDF]" /> 编辑推荐 这本书可以告诉你:英语写作中那些你不知道的坑:哪些单词和词组其实常被误用:哪些常见的表达其实重复啰嗦.摒…