bash + script】的更多相关文章

From original post @ In the world of data analysis, the term automation runs hand in hand with the term “scripting”. There’s not the best programming language, only the most suitable to perform…
content [toc] bash scripts equivalent bash command to rename a bash variable/command alias fire='firefox' fire similar way is to set environment variable export fire=firefox however when you wish to use this variable, you need call it with a '$' $fir…
linux - Run bash script as daemon - Stack Overflow # By default Redis does not run as a daemon. Use 'yes' if you need it.# Note that Redis will write a pid file in /var/run/redis.…
Linux bash script regex auto replace 自动替换 /assets/css/0.styles.96df394b.css => ./assets/css/0.styles.96df394b.css /assets/css/0.styles.96df394b.css => /docs/assets/css/0.styles.96df394b.css <!DOCTYPE html> <html lang="en-US"> &…
Linux Bash Script conditions shell 编程之条件判断 条件判断式语句.单分支 if 语句.双分支 if 语句.多分支 if 语句.case 语句 refs xgqfrms 2012-2020 发布文章使用:…
Linux Bash Script loop shell 编程之流程控制 for 循环.while 循环和 until 循环 for var in item1 item2 ... itemN do command1 command2 ... commandN done for var in item1 item2 ... itemN; do command1; command2- done; refs https://linuxize…
  1. 占用资源的任务,尤其那些影响速度的工作 比如排序,哈希,递归等等. 2. 大量使用数学运算 尤其是浮点运算,比如任意精度的计算或者复数计算等等,这类使用C++会好很多. 3. 跨平台的(适用于C或者Java) 4. 复杂的程序,比如需要对象编程,类型检测等 5. 关键应用(一旦出错不会危及公司业务的) 6. 需要安全性的任务 7. 由若干互相依赖的子模块组成的项目 8. 需要复杂文件操作的任务 因为bash只能对序列化的文件做处理,而且它的处理方式还不是很有效:基本都是一行一行处理 9…
shell "" 保留$,`,\, 换行含义,‘’保留字面值 $(), ``用于命令替换 算术扩展如 $[1+1] for循环: for Host in host1, host2, host3; do echo $Host; done for Host in host{1,2,3}; do echo $Host; done for Host in host{1..3}; do echo $Host; done for Package in $(rpm -a | grep kernel)…
1. sed sed 是一种流编辑器,它是文本处理中非常常用的工具,能够完美的配合正则表达式使用,功能非常强大. mkdir playground touch test.txt echo "Hello world!" >> test.txt cat>test.txt<<EOF > i love you > my honey > be easy > last row > EOF 例如: 删除文档的第一行 sed -i '1d'…
1. copy the instance id from aws console to file 2. remove the , from file sed -i 's/,//g' file 3. get ip address list to file2 $ cat #!/bin/bash for id in `cat file` do #echo $id >> file2 aws ec2 describe-instances --instance-ids $id | gre…