spotify engineering culture part 1】的更多相关文章

原文 ,因为原视频说的太快太长, 又没有字幕,于是借助youtube,把原文听&打出来了. 中文版日后有时间再翻译. one of the big succeess factors here at Spority is our agile engineering culture. Culture trends to be invisible we don't notice it because it's there all the time, kind of like the air we br…
如大家所期待, 现已支持开源中国的代码仓库 - 码云,可以直接构建 Git@OSC 的项目了,点击创建项目-选择代码仓库-选择码云-绑定 OSChina 账户-选择要构建项目,教程看这里哟! 最近,我们在征集 的 iOS 最佳实践,感谢用户 GitHub@mzying2013 和 @君赏 的精心分享,供大家参考,期待更多的投稿 :) iOS自动构建套件 - + + Coding 我和 的第一次亲密接触 再来看看这期 CI…
好的工程师,无法忍受低效且无趣的工作.优秀的技术团队应该自上而下的地推进技术平台化建设.DevOps.自动化构建.测试和部署流程,积极采用合适的第三方工具或创造工具,进行周期性的前沿技术分享等等. 先来看看国内外公司关于工程师文化的分享~ What makes a good engineering culture? 建立一个良好的工程文化无疑是一个大量的工作,但由此产生的工作环境是值得的. edmondlau@Twitter的这篇文章讲了如何打造一个有工程师氛围的团队,需要知道的 10 件事情.…
IMPORTANT 重要的 This is a preliminary document for an API or technology in development. Apple is supplying this information to help you plan for the adoption of the technologies and programming interfaces described herein for use on Apple-branded produ…
微软近期Open的职位: Job title: Software Design Engineer II Location: China, Beijing Division: Operations System Group Engineering Group Overview OSG is delivering flagship products in Microsoft. China is a second largest economy in the world. With over one…
微软近期Open的职位: Job posting title: Senior Software Design Engineer Location: China, Beijing Level: 63 Division: Operations System Group Engineering Group Overview OSG is delivering flagship products in Microsoft. China is a second largest economy in the…
About Swift 关于Swift 官方文档的翻译,仅供参考,本人英语本就不好,边学边翻译,不喜勿喷. Swift is a new programming language for iOS, OS X, watchOS, and tvOS apps that builds on the best of C and Objective-C, without the constraints of C compatibility. Swift adopts safe programming pa…
为什么要工程师文化? 看看最近二十年来社会的发展,计算机和互联网已经渗透到了这个社会的每一个角落,各式各样的计算机技术成为了整个世界发展的强大引擎,各式各样的创新,无论是业务创新还是技术创新,都是依托于技术的快速演进,技术成了解放生产力提高社会运作的效率的中坚力量.以美帝为首的技术创新公司着着实实的改变着这个世界和人类的生活和生产习惯. 今天,每个从事计算机行业的技术人员都应该感到幸运,因为,我们不但选对了行业,也出生在了正确的时代,可以感受到前所未有的刺激和变化,相比起我们的父辈,我们的人生,…
有的时候,认为看英文文档有些费时,看中文文档怕翻译不准,有些地方确实不须要抠字眼.当有些地方假设翻译不精准会产生歧义,所以用这样对比的方式.顺便学习一下Swift. Swift is a new programming language for iOS and OS X apps that builds on the best of C and Objective-C, without the constraints of C compatibility. Swift adopts safe p…
title: You are what you write--沈向洋 date: 2018-02-21 13:18:28 tags: [随想,write] categories: 个人文章 --- Are Twitter, PowerPoint, Facebook, Instagram and texting eroding our ability to think? There is a Chinese proverb that says "见文如见人," which literal…