When you are using an External List to display data through the Business Connectivity Services from your External Data Source you do not want to be bringing back thousand…
[转] In this blog, I will go through the process of upgrading your existing SharePoint 2010 farm to SharePoint 2016. Just like it has been the case with the last 3 product releas…
转: 关于<SharePoint 2010应用程序开发指南>,我和杜伟同学正在撰写中,希望下半年早点写完.通常书正式出版的时候,出版社都会挑选2.3章,将电子版开放出来以供预览,我想了一下,与其等到定稿后.出版前才提供预览,不如早点将一些节选的章节开放出来,让大家"一起来找茬"- 大家在阅读的过程中,发现内容有任何的问题,都可以给我发邮件(kaneboy [at]告…
Now that SharePoint 2013 is out I want to make sure that I can integrate SharePoint 2013 with Team Foundation Server 2012 without any trouble. I and some of my customers have been holding off on deploying SharePoint; waiting for this release. I previ…
SharePoint 2010开发方面的课堂中整理有关问题陈希章 ares@xizhang.com1. 对于SharePoint的体系结构不甚清楚,觉得有点乱了解了就不会觉得乱了,请理解1) 场服务器服务应用程序站点集站点子站点列表(或库)列表项目.请描述这个地址的含义:http://chenxizhang-pc/sites/training/sql2) 不同的级别有不同的管理员,可以分工协作3) SharePoint 2007的SSP没有了,现在是一个松散式的服务应用程序的架构…
SharePoint 2010开发方面的课堂中整理有关问题 这是我这几天在做一个SharePoint开发的课程的时候,大家提出的一些问题,及我的解答,分享给更多的朋友参考一下 这个文档,也可以在这里下载 SharePoint2010开发方面的有关问题.pdf 对于SharePoint的体系结构不甚清楚,觉得有点乱 了解了就不会觉得乱了,请理解 1) 场è服务器è服务è应用程序è站点集è站点è子站点è列表(或库)è列表项目.请描述这个地址的含义:http://chenxizhang-pc/site…
微软官方有一套专门用于SharePoint 2010, Exchange 2010 Demo的虚拟机:SharePoint 2010: Information Worker Demonstration and Evaluation Virtual Machine.很多官方的教程和示列都是基于这个Demo的环境来演示的.自从2013发布后,就不再提供它的下载了.为了方便大家学习SharePoint 2010,特将其共享出来. 百度网盘:…
from: Business Connectivity Services (BCS) are a set of services and features that provide a way to connect Share… How to tune SharePoint 2010 Server for…
了解构成 SharePoint 2010 服务器功能区的组件以及如何通过演练两个功能区自定义项方案来自定义功能区. 适用范围: Microsoft SharePoint Foundation 2010 | Microsoft SharePoint Server 2010 | Microsoft Visual Studio 2010 中的 SharePoint 开发工具 目录 SharePoint 2010 Server 功能区简介 SharePoint 2010 Server 功能区体系结构 自…