p::first-line { text-transform: uppercase }】的更多相关文章

css delete line text & html del html <del>¥720</del> demo <span class="ticket-origin-price"> <del>¥720</del> </span> <span class="ticket-origin-price delete-line"> <span>¥720</span…
test.py import mapnik stylesheet = 'world_style.xml' image = 'world_style.png' m = mapnik.Map(1200, 800) mapnik.load_map(m, stylesheet) m.zoom_all() mapnik.render_to_file(m, image) print "rendered image to '%s'" % image world_style.xml <Map b…
Introduction mailsend is a simple command line program to send mail via SMTP protocol. I used to send a piece of alert mail from a program in a networked Windows machine. You might find it useful in some situations. Latest Development version is 1.17…
https://www.codecademy.com/en/courses/learn-the-command-line Background The command line is a text interface for your computer. It's a program that takes in commands, which it passes on to the computer's operating system to run. From the command line…
[Text Relatives] With TextKit the resources at your disposal range from framework objects—such as text views, text fields, and web views—to text layout engines that you can use directly to draw, lay out, and otherwise manage text. Underlying the text…
Facebook事实上已开始在平台中支持360度全景视频的流播,但公司对此并不满足.其工程师更是基于锥体几何学设计出了一套全新的视频编码,号称最高能将全景视频的文件大小减少80%.(VR最新突破:全景视频压缩率达80%,即将普及爆发) 1.Facebook开源了其将2:1球模型视频转换成立方体模型的代码 https://github.com/facebook/transform README: # Transform Transform video in equirectangular proj…
2016.4.14 昨天看到 雨凇的 Unity3D研究院之UGUI一个优化效率小技巧:  http://www.xuanyusong.com/archives/4006 完好了他所说的代码: using UnityEngine; using UnityEngine.UI; using System.Collections; using UnityEditor; using UnityEngine.EventSystems; /// <summary> /// 创建 Text.Image 的时…
using System.Collections; using UnityEngine; using UnityEngine.UI; public class TextMoveHelper : MonoBehaviour { public Text textComp; public Canvas canvas; public Text text; public Vector3 GetPosAtText(Canvas canvas, Text text,string strFragment) {…
Android Lint Checks Here are the current list of checks that lint performs as of Android Studio 2.3 dev:     Correctness ===========   AdapterViewChildren ------------------- Summary: AdapterViews cannot have children in XML   Priority: 10 / 10 Sever…
基础 :e filename Open filename for edition :w Save file :q Exit Vim :q! Quit without saving :x Write file (if changes has been made) and exit :sav filename Saves file as filename . Repeats the last change made in normal mode 5. Repeats 5 times the last…