link : Install mpg321 or mpg123 Type the following command under Debian / Ubuntu Linux, enter: sudo apt-get install mpg321 OR sudo apt-get install mpg123 I recommend using mpg123…
Have you been in need of converting mp3 audios to wav audios? If so, the skill in this article provides you a chance to manage the mp3-to-wav conversion by yourself. The wave audio files are useful because they retain the first-generation archived f…
on a brand new linux PC, e.g. ubuntu 14.04 amd64 To hear voice sudo apt-get install festival -y then try to hear some thing from your PC echo "I am your computer." | festival --tts # or echo "I am your computer." | festival --tts --pip…
first,what is shell?其实只要是碰过计算机的,对于OS(Operation System操作系统,不管是有点概念的人大多都听过这个名词,因为只要有OS那么就离不开Shell.其实Shell就是将我们输入的指令与kernel(核心)的沟通,使kernel可以控制hardware硬件(例如声卡,网卡,显卡)来正确无误工作. 基本上,替我们工作的是[hardware],控制硬件的是[kernel],而我们user则是利用[shell]控制一些ke…
问题:Linux系统中有声卡设备,但是听不到声音 一.声卡驱动没有安装 1.通过插拔声卡查出声卡驱动 2.在相应的kernel中编译内核 修改保存.config文件,然后进行编译 make -j make modules make modules_install reboot重启机器后可以“lsmod”查看驱动 3.将2号声卡改为默认声卡: .# aplay -l -----> list all soundcards and digital audio devices .# vi /usr/sh…
RIFF file format RIFF全称为资源互换文件格式(Resources Interchange File Format),是Windows下大部分多媒体文件遵循的一种文件结构.RIFF文件所包含的数据类型由该文件的扩展名来标识 Chunk RIFF文件结构可以看作是树状结构,其基本构成是称为"块"(Chunk)的单元,每个块有"标志符"."数据大小"及"数据"所组成 public static class Chu…