【多重背包】Transport Ship】的更多相关文章

There are N different kinds of transport ships on the port. The ith kind of ship can carry the weight of V[i]V[i] and the number of the ith kind of ship is 2c[i]-12^{C[i]} - 12. How many different schemes there are if you want to use these ships to t…
https://nanti.jisuanke.com/t/31720 题意 t组样例,n种船只,q个询问,接下来n行给你每种船只的信息:v[i]表示这个船只的载重,c[i]表示这种船只有2^(c[i]−1)只. 对于每个询问,求用这些船装s的货物的方案数有多少,用到的船必须装满. 分析 一眼就是背包类的题,多重背包求方案数,将数量为m的物体分为log2(m)种物体,然后做01背包.在这里只需改改多重背包模板的转移式子就好. 背包九讲小总结:https://www.cnblogs.com/fht-…
Transport Ship 25.78% 1000ms 65536K   There are NN different kinds of transport ships on the port. The i^{th}ith kind of ship can carry the weight of V[i]V[i] and the number of the i^{th}ith kind of ship is 2^{C[i]} - 12C[i]−1. How many different sch…
题目描述 小S坚信任何问题都可以在多项式时间内解决,于是他准备亲自去当一回旅行商.在出发之前,他购进了一些物品.这些物品共有n种,第i种体积为Vi,价值为Wi,共有Di件.他的背包体积是C.怎样装才能获得尽量多的收益呢?作为一名大神犇,他轻而易举的解决了这个问题. 然而,就在他出发前,他又收到了一批奇货.这些货共有m件,第i件的价值Yi与分配的体积Xi之间的关系为:Yi=ai*Xi^2+bi*Xi+ci.这是件好事,但小S却不知道怎么处理了,于是他找到了一位超级神犇(也就是你),请你帮他解决这个…
题意:假设有x1个字母A, x2个字母B,..... x26个字母Z,同时假设字母A的价值为1,字母B的价值为2,..... 字母Z的价值为26.那么,对于给定的字母,可以找到多少价值<=50的单词呢?单词的价值就是组成一个单词的所有字母的价值之和,比如,单词ACM的价值是1+3+14=18,单词HDU的价值是8+4+21=33.(组成的单词与排列顺序无关,比如ACM与CMA认为是同一个单词). 题解:把26个字母看做26种背包,有个数有价值,求价值不超过50的所有可能个数,就是标准的多重背包.…
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Cash Machine Time Limit: 1000MS   Memory Limit: 10000K Total Submissions: 33444   Accepted: 12106 Description A Bank plans to install a machine for cash withdrawal. The machine is able to deliver appropriate @ bills for a requested cash amount. The m…
http://poj.org/problem?id=3260   Description Farmer John has gone to town to buy some farm supplies. Being a very efficient man, he always pays for his goods in such a way that the smallest number of coins changes hands, i.e., the number of coins he…
http://poj.org/problem?id=1787   描述 Charlie is a driver of Advanced Cargo Movement, Ltd. Charlie drives a lot and so he often buys coffee at coffee vending machines at motorests. Charlie hates change. That is basically the setup of your next task. Yo…
单调队列优化DP:http://www.cnblogs.com/ka200812/archive/2012/07/11/2585950.html 单调队列优化多重背包:http://blog.csdn.net/flyinghearts/article/details/5898183 传送门:hdu 3401 Trade /************************************************************** Problem:hdu 3401 Trade Us…