故障描述 当要运行SharePonit Products and Technologies Configuration Wizard的时候,出现了如下图所示的错误提示. 错误信息为: Unable to upgrade SharePoint Products and Technologies because an upgrade is already in progress. Upgrade progress can be monitored using the Central Administ…
运行环境:开发环境:Windows7旗舰版64bit.VisualStudio2008 With SP1.ArcEngine10.0.NetFrameWork4.0.IIS7和C#开发语言. 问题描述:通过AE编写的WebService在进行调试时,在网络进行流向初始化的时候发生错误“No edit session in the progress”(有时也会提示“这个集合中找不到此项目”错误,两者通过同一方式处理即可). 看到这个错误首先认为是没有开启编辑功能导致的,但是我的编辑确实开启了,通过…
今天像往常一样打开电脑,启动plsql工具连接数据库,但是尽然连接不了,报了“oracle initialization or shutdown in progress”的提示信息,从操作系统的服务列表中查看,发现监听和oracle服务都是启动的,但是就是连接不上,并总报该错误.不管了,重新启动监听和服务试试看,但是结果是依然不行,还是报如上信息提示.于是从命令行用sysdba连接,发现可以连接的上oracle,接着用 select status from v$instance;查看启动…
Circular progress bar in Unity 3D - UnityScripthttp://stackoverflow.com/questions/22662706/circular-progress-bar-in-unity-3d-unityscript Another approach would be to use the NGUI plugin and use an UISprite with radial fill…
Oracle ORA-01033: ORACLE initialization or shutdown in progress 错误解决办法 登陆数据库时提示 “ORA-01033”错误在命令窗口以sys方式登陆 即sqlplus AS SYSDBA--注意<sqlnet.ora>文件中的SQLNET.AUTHENTICATION_SERVICES参数后面的值需为NTS 执行shutdown 后提示数据库未打开然后执行startup MOUNT 提示未初始化句柄之类的错误 后面又试过几次类似这…
一.There is an internal error in the React performance measurement code.Did not expect componentDidMount timer to start while render timer is still in progress for another instance 二._this3._toDetail is not a function.(In ‘this3._toDetail()’,’_this3._…
Create a “% Complete” Progress Bar with JS Link in SharePoint 2013 SharePoint 2013 has a lot new features and functionalities that it can do out-of-the-box. One of these new functionalities is the JS Link web part property. With this property you are…
原文网址:使用CAGradientLayer的动画精度条View Modern software design is getting flatter and thinner all the time. Another trend that follows suit is the thin, one pixel progress bar that you see at the top of websites and apps. You’ve seen in it on Medium blogs,…
原文链接:http://www.codeproject.com/Articles/80/Progress-Control-with-Text 重写的Progress 包括,设置bar前景背景颜色,设置文本前景背景颜色,设置文本的前中后显示,设置进度动画. void SetShowText(BOOL bShow);// Specifies whether or not the text for the control will be displayed during updates COLORRE…
Progress reporting is a key activity of project management. The project manager issues regular reports of progress against budget, schedule and scope. Include these people on the circulation list: Project Sponsor. Budget Holder. Senior Users. Team Me…
今天研究Oracle遇到了这个问题ora-01033:oracle initialization or shutdown in progress,经过分析研究终于解决了,写下来纪念一下.我的库是oracle 9i,具体就是90的.一.首先:问题的产生原因,出现这个错误是因为我将oracle\oradata\oradb下的一个文件误删除掉后出现的.二.现象:SQL*Plus无法连接,显示以下错误:ORA-01033: ORACLE initialization or shutdown in pro…
I can feel that I am making great progress now.. if inspected closely, it is obvious that what I'm getting through is, a newbie phase: coding details mask actual logic underneath It is interesting that it is very similar with situations when I first…