/************************************************************************* * calculate MAC,Lisence,Checksum and generate muti-file * 声明: * 1. 以升序的方式批量生成MAC地址方法: * 2. 以升序.降序的方式批量生成数字形式的Lisence方法: * 3. 以累加的方式计算MAC地址.Lisence的Checksum: * 4. 不提供源数据处理文件,仅仅…
参考:http://www.jb51.net/article/66951.htm 用5.7版本启动原5.5实例后,再用5.5启动出现以下报错 InnoDB: Error: checksum mismatch in data file /data/mysql/ibdata1 :: InnoDB: Could not open or create data files. :: InnoDB: If you tried to add new data files, and it failed here…
echo "Enter BKS output file name : \c" read filename echo "Enter BKS Password : \c" read BKSPWD echo "Enter P12 or PFX file : \c" read p12File if [ ! -f $p12File ] then echo "$p12File file is missing" exit fi echo &…
<!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.0 Transitional//EN"> <HTML> <HEAD> <TITLE> Send Email </TITLE> <META NAME="Generator" CONTENT="EditPlus"> <META NAME="Author" CONTENT=…
using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.IO; using System.Linq; using System.Text; using System.Threading.Tasks; namespace appbigdata { class ParticlesGenerator { public void GenerateParticles(int count) { String fileName = @"C:\o…
open -a /Applications/Sublime Text.app test.cpp…
问题所在 我们可以发现这个错误跟protobuf的版本有关,因此我们可以执行script/diagnose_protobuf.py 我们可以看到,pip install protobuf 和 brew install protobuf 的版本不一样导致的 解决办法 更新brew的版本 brew install protobuf@3.4 直接指定版本3.4,根据你的需求作相应的改变 brew link --force --overwrite protobuf@3.4 链接到3.4,因为你的机器上可…
CUDA是NVIDIA的GPU开发工具,眼下在大规模并行计算领域有着广泛应用. windows平台上面的CUDA开发之前.最好去NVIDIA官网查看说明,然后下载对应的driver. ToolKits等等. 假设你下载最新版本号的CUDA7.0.里面事实上已经包括了driver及Tool kits. 特别要注意:目标最高版本号为CUDA7.0.仅支持64位系统(32位没法安装CUDA 7.0 Tool Kits).另外,VS编译平台最低要求是VS2010. So,那些依旧用VC6或者VS2008…
How to generate a new dictionary file of mmseg 0.Usage about mmseg-node memtioned in github : var mmseg = require("mmseg"); var q = mmseg.open('/usr/local/etc/'); console.log(q.segmentSync("我是中文分词")); #"/usr/local/etc" is dir…
IELFTOOL Checksum - Basic actions EW targets: ARM, RH850, RX, SH, STM8 EW component: General issues Last update: September 6, 2013 Below follows the steps needed to set up an CRC16 checksum calcuation, both in the EW-tool-chain and in the application…
http://blog.csdn.net/pipisorry/article/details/47907589 os.path - Common pathname manipulations 都是和路径指定的文件,文件夹,和路径字符串有关系的函数 os.path.isdir(name)           推断name是不是一个文件夹,name不是文件夹就返回falseos.path.isfile(name)           推断name是不是一个文件.不存在name也返回false os.…
Signature Creator for NXP Cortex-M Devices Algorithm for creating the checksum The reserved Cortex-M3 exception vector location 7 (offset 0x001C in the vector table) should contain the 2’s complement of the check-sum of table entries 0 through 6. Thi…
Mac上制作Ubuntu USB启动盘 一.下载ubuntu iso镜像 二.将iso转换为img文件 $ hdiutil convert -format UDRW -o /path/to/generate/img/file /path/to/your/iso/file 该命令会生成一个.img的磁盘镜像文件,但是mac osx会默认追加一个.dmg,即生成的文件后缀是.img.dmg,这个后缀没关系,可以忽略 三.查看USB的盘符 $ diskutil list /dev/disk0 (int…
SharePoint 2010 has established a new service called "Word Automation Services" to operate word files. This service will be installed when install SharePoint 2010. It is useful for archive documents or convert word format in server. But we need…
Sharing a form to generate Excel file report from SQL query in Oracle Forms. This form can be used in Oracle Forms 6i and 10g / 11g.   Below is the screen shot of this form and could be download from the following link: Excel_Rep.Fmb     A procedure…
在PC上连接我的HTC ONE,还要装软件,每次想拷贝点XX还要开个虚拟机. 现在终于给找到好东西了,MAC 直接就能打开内存卡.比用PC 还简单. Android File Transfer-官网:http://www.android.com/filetransfer/下载:https://dl.google.com/dl/android ... oidfiletransfer.dmg 要求:1.OS X 10.5 +2.安卓3.0+ 使用:1.用USB连接手机到MAC,2.打开Android…
1.What is Checksum? A check sum is basically a value that is computed from data packet to check its integrity(完整性). Through integrity, we mean a check on whether the data received is error free or not(数据是否正确). This is because while traveling on netwo…
How to uninstall Maya on a Mac Products and versions covered  By:  Support Jun 15 2018 SHARE ADD TO COLLECTION Issue: You want to know how to uninstall Maya from a Macintosh computer. Solution: Maya doesn't have an uninstall tool so you will need to…
Export developer profile from old mac. In the Xcode Organizer, select your team in the Teams section. Click Export. Specify a filename and a password, and click Save. In new mac,  In the Xcode Organizer, select Library->Provisioning Profiles. Click R…
1.  Project->Properties->Build->Advance, Debug Info : Full/pdb-only . set to [none] will not generate pdb file. 2.when new version release , rebuild whole solution , copy all files to server.   what's the difference between C# compilation setting…
获取帮助 mvn -h 命令格式 usage: mvn [options] [<goal(s)>] [<phase(s)>] -D,--define <arg> Define a system property Defines a system property. This will take priority over any other property specified. eg. mvn archetype:generate -D archetypeCatalo…
From:http://blog.csdn.net/pdfmaker/article/details/465748 有需求才有创造,有了问题才会想着去解决,那么我这里的获取MAC地址的第4种方法也是在这种情况下产生的.因为公司有一个服务器产品,要写一个注册模块,而注册模块需要获取硬件信息,而硬件信息有很多,可以是硬盘序列号,CPU序列号,和网卡MAC,我首先使用的是硬盘序列号,因为GOOGLE一下一大堆,我要感谢所有这些无私奉献自己智慧结晶的可爱的人. 很快地写完一个注册模块,经过几个PC机,笔…
A method is provided for implementing a mandatory access control model in operating systems which natively use a discretionary access control scheme. A method for implementing mandatory access control in a system comprising a plurality of computers,…
ORA-00001: 违反唯一约束条件 (.) ORA-00017: 请求会话以设置跟踪事件 ORA-00018: 超出最大会话数 ORA-00019: 超出最大会话许可数 ORA-00020: 超出最大进程数 () ORA-00021: 会话附属于其它某些进程:无法转换会话 ORA-00022: 无效的会话 ID:访问被拒绝 ORA-00023: 会话引用进程私用内存:无法分离会话 ORA-00024: 单一进程模式下不允许从多个进程注册 ORA-00025: 无法分配  ORA-00026:…
直接Ctrl+F 搜索你要找的错 # # Simplified Chinese translation for subversion package # This file is distributed under the same license as the subversion package. # # Update to new pot: # msgmerge --update zh_CN.po subversion.pot # # Check translation: # msgfmt…
///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////ORA-00001: 违反唯一约束条件 (.)ORA-00017: 请求会话以设置跟踪事件ORA-00018: 超出最大会话数ORA-00019: 超出最大会话许可数ORA-00020: 超出最大进程数 ()ORA-00021: 会话附属于其它某些进程:无法转换会话ORA-00022: 无效的会话 ID:访问被拒绝ORA-00023: 会话引用进程私用内存:无法分离会话O…
参考:Function and Operator Reference Name Description ABS() Return the absolute value ACOS() Return the arc cosine ADDDATE() Add time values (intervals) to a date value ADDTIME() Add time AES_DECRYPT() Decrypt using AES AES_ENCRYPT() Encrypt using AES…
在前面一篇文章中,我们分析了Android模块的编译过程.当Android系统的所有模块都编译好之后,我们就可以对编译出来的模块文件进行打包了.打包结果是获得一系列的镜像文件,例如system.img.boot.img.ramdisk.img.userdata.img和recovery.img等.这些镜像文件最终可以烧录到手机上运行.在本文中,我们就详细分析Android系统的镜像文件的打包过程. 老罗的新浪微博:http://weibo.com/shengyangluo,欢迎关注! <Andr…
The C++ executable module examples This page provides usage examples for the executable module. Extended documentation for all of the options can be found on the manual page. Running the program Getting basic file statistics Applying a filter Writing…
原文地址:http://doc.akka.io/docs/akka/2.0.2/intro/getting-started-first-java.html Introduction Welcome to the first tutorial on how to get started with Akka and Java. We assume that you already know what Akka and Java are and will now focus on the steps…