Welcome back. Last part was about vertex shaders, with some coverage of GPU shader units in general. Mostly, they’re just vector processors, but they have access to one resource that doesn’t exist in other vector architectures: Texture samplers. They…
Welcome back. Last part was about vertex shaders, with some coverage of GPU shader units in general. Mostly, they’re just vector processors, but they have access to one resource that doesn’t exist in other vector architectures: Texture samplers. They…
iOS 7 is a major update with compelling features for developers to incorporate into their apps. The user interface has been completely redesigned. In addition, iOS 7 introduces a new animation system for creating 2D and 2.5D games. Multitasking enhan…
▶ 纹理内存使用 ● 纹理内存使用有两套 API,称为 Object API 和 Reference API .纹理对象(texture object)在运行时被 Object API 创建,同时指定了纹理单元.纹理引用(Tezture Reference)在编译时被 Reference API 创建,但是在运行时才指定纹理单元,并将纹理引用绑定到纹理单元上面去. ● 不同的纹理引用可能绑定到相同或内存上有重叠的的纹理单元上,纹理单元可能是 CUDA 线性内存或CUDA array 的任意部分.…
转:http://my.oschina.net/1pei/blog/479162 PNG格式:每个PNG文件是由一个PNG标识(signature),后面跟一些数据块(chunk),每个chunk由 一个chunk类型来标识其功能. 摘要 本文解决了Android Studio 1.2.2下编译期间出现的libpng warning: iCCP: Not recognizing known sRGB profile that has been edited警告问题. 目录[-] 1. 问题描述…