The AngularJS $exceptionHandler service allows you to catch and handle unanticipated JavaScript errors in a meaningful way. So when application is under building process, can create a $exceptionHandler service to log out the uncatch exception. angula…
一. ORA-600 概述 Errorsof the form ORA-600 are called internal errors. This section clarifies themisunderstanding of ORA-600s being synonymous with corruption. An ORA-600 usually has up to five arguments associated withit which gives Oracle support and…
建立逻辑路径 create or replace directory dumpdir as 'c:\'; grant read,write on directory dumpdir to scott; 倒入/出 expdp newdr/123456@hncrm directory=test dumpfile=test_score1.dmp logfile=tes t.log parallel=2 schemas=newdr 错误 ORA-00054 resource busy and acqui…
Java异常类层次结构图:       异常的英文单词是exception,字面翻译就是“意外.例外”的意思,也就是非正常情况.事实上,异常本质上是程序上的错误,包括程序逻辑错误和系统错误. 比如使用空的引用.数组下标越界.内存溢出错误等,这些都是意外的情况,背离我们程序本身的意图.错误在我们编写程序的过程中会经常发生,包括编译期间和运行期间的错误,在编译期间出现的错误有编译器帮助我们一起修正,然而运行期间的错误便不是编译器力所能及了,并且运行期间的错误往往是难以预料的.假若程序在运行期间出现了…
0x 00 Before Coding 当端口打开时,向端口发送 TCP SYN 请求,会返回一个 ACK 响应: 当端口关闭,返回的是 RST 响应: 0x 01 Coding  可以用 socket 编写一个小脚本来测试主机端口的开启情况,基本代码如下: # coding: utf-8 import socket from datetime import datetime # Set time-out to get the scanning fast socket.setdefaulttim…
2015-03-06   328   Unusual Data Types    ——You can carry this technique to extremes,putting all the variables in your program into one big,juicy variable and then passingit everywhere.Careful programmers avoid bundling data any more than is logically…
先来几个例子热热身: ......... constructor(props){ super(props); this.state = { index: 0 } } componentDidMount() { this.setState({ index: this.state.index + 1 }); console.log(this.state.index); this.setState({ index: this.state.index + 1 }); console.log(this.s…
我们基于 Razor Class Library 实现了自定义错误页面的公用类库(详见之前的随笔),但是在实际使用时发现如果在 middleware 中发生了异常,则不能显示自定义错误页面,而是返回默认的 500 空白页面. public static IApplicationBuilder UseCustomErrorPages(this IApplicationBuilder app) { app.UseExceptionHandler("/errors/500"); app.Us…
djangobb中的signal post_save信号调用send函数时,为什么它会对与topic.post相关的其他models进行修改?同一个信号,例如post_save(保存过后的处理),是所有model共用的,当调用send时,它怎么找到相关model的reciever? 信号在连接receiver时,会按dispatch_uuid与receiver生成一个元组后作为[]的一项 import weakref import threading from django.dispatch i…