light oj 1078 - Integer Divisibility】的更多相关文章

1078 - Integer Divisibility   PDF (English) Statistics Forum Time Limit: 2 second(s) Memory Limit: 32 MB If an integer is not divisible by 2 or 5, some multiple of that number in decimal notation is a sequence of only a digit. Now you are given the n…
题意: 给你 N,K 输出 KKKK.....KK能整除 N, 输出 K 的个数, (最小) 基础数学, 取摸运算即可. #include<bits/stdc++.h> using namespace std; typedef long long LL; int main() { int t; scanf("%d",&t); for(int kase = 1; kase <= t; ++kase) { LL n, w; scanf("%lld %ll…
题目来源:Light OJ 1114 Easily Readable 题意:求一个句子有多少种组成方案 仅仅要满足每一个单词的首尾字符一样 中间顺序能够变化 思路:每一个单词除了首尾 中间的字符排序 然后插入字典树 记录每一个单词的数量 输入一个句子 每一个单词也排序之后查找 依据乘法原理 答案就是每一个单词的数量之积 #include <iostream> #include <cstring> #include <cstdio> #include <algori…
题目来源:Light OJ 1429 Assassin`s Creed (II) 题意:最少几个人走全然图 能够反复走 有向图 思路:假设是DAG图而且每一个点不能反复走 那么就是裸的最小路径覆盖 如今不是DAG 可能有环 而且每一个点可能反复走 对于有环 能够缩点 缩点之后的图是DAG图 另外点能够反复走和POJ 2594一样 先预处理连通性 #include <cstdio> #include <cstring> #include <vector> #include…
标题来源:problem=1406">Light OJ 1406 Assassin`s Creed 意甲冠军:向图 派出最少的人经过全部的城市 而且每一个人不能走别人走过的地方 思路:最少的的人能够走全然图 明显是最小路径覆盖问题 这里可能有环 所以要缩点 可是看例子又发现 一个强连通分量可能要拆分 n最大才15 所以就状态压缩 将全图分成一个个子状态 每一个子状态缩点 求最小路径覆盖 这样就攻克了一个强连通分量拆分的问题 最后状态压缩DP求解最优值 #include <cstdio…
题目来源:Light OJ 1316 1316 - A Wedding Party 题意:和HDU 4284 差点儿相同 有一些商店 从起点到终点在走过尽量多商店的情况下求最短路 思路:首先预处理每两点之前的最短路 然后仅仅考虑那些商店 个数小于15嘛 就是TSP问题 状态压缩DP搞一下 状态压缩姿势不正确 有必要加强 #include <cstdio> #include <algorithm> #include <queue> #include <vector&…
题目地址:light oj 1007 第一发欧拉函数. 欧拉函数重要性质: 设a为N的质因数.若(N % a == 0 && (N / a) % a == 0) 则有E(N)=E(N / a) * a:若(N % a == 0 && (N / a) % a != 0) 则有:E(N) = E(N / a) * (a - 1) 对于这题来说.首先卡MLE.. 仅仅能开一个数组..所以把前缀和也存到欧拉数组里. 然后卡long long. .要用unsigned long lo…
题目来源:Light OJ 1406 Assassin`s Creed 题意:有向图 派出最少的人经过全部的城市 而且每一个人不能走别人走过的地方 思路:最少的的人能够走全然图 明显是最小路径覆盖问题 这里可能有环 所以要缩点 可是看例子又发现 一个强连通分量可能要拆分 n最大才15 所以就状态压缩 将全图分成一个个子状态 每一个子状态缩点 求最小路径覆盖 这样就攻克了一个强连通分量拆分的问题 最后状态压缩DP求解最优值 #include <cstdio> #include <cstri…
题目来源:Light OJ 1288 Subsets Forming Perfect Squares 题意:给你n个数 选出一些数 他们的乘积是全然平方数 求有多少种方案 思路:每一个数分解因子 每隔数能够选也能够不选 0 1表示 然后设有m种素数因子 选出的数组成的各个因子的数量必须是偶数 组成一个m行和n列的矩阵 每一行代表每一种因子的系数 解出自由元的数量 #include <cstdio> #include <cstring> #include <algorithm&…
碰到的一般题型:1.准确值二分查找,或者三分查找(类似二次函数的模型). 2.与计算几何相结合答案精度要求比较高的二分查找,有时与圆有关系时需要用到反三角函数利用 角度解题. 3.不好直接求解的一类计数问题,利用二分直接枚举可能的结果,再检查是否符合题目要求. 4.区间求解,即利用两次二分分别查找有序序列左右上下限,再求差算出总个数. 题型知识补充: 1. 三分的一般写法: double thfind(double left,double right) { double midmid,mid;…
版权声明:本文为博主原创文章.未经博主同意不得转载. 题目来源:problem=1272" rel="nofollow">Light OJ 1272 Maximum Subset Sum 题意:选出一些数 他们的抑或之后的值最大 思路:每一个数为一个方程 高斯消元 从最高位求出上三角 消元前k个a[i]异或和都能有消元后的异或和组成 消元前 k 个 a[i…
1008 - Fibsieve`s Fantabulous Birthday   PDF (English) Statistics Forum Time Limit: 0.5 second(s) Memory Limit: 32 MB Fibsieve had a fantabulous (yes, it's an actual word) birthday party this year. He had so many gifts that he was actually thinking o…
Given an integer, convert it to a roman numeral. Input is guaranteed to be within the range from 1 to 3999. 给定一个整数,将他转换到罗马字符.同样这里的罗马字符不会超过1000(M),PS:关于罗马字符的介绍看我的这篇文章 :LeetCode OJ:Roman to Integer(转换罗马字符到整数) 这里的大体思路是这样的,例如对于罗马字符952来说,起答题的可以分成三个组成部分, 就… You are in a maze; seeing n doors in front of you in beginning. You can choose any door you like. The probability for choosing a door is equal for all doors. If you choose the ith door, it ca…
题目链接 Description You are playing a two player game. Initially there are n integer numbers in an array and player A and B get chance to take them alternatively. Each player can take one or more nu…
题目链接: 题目: Description The people of Mohammadpur have decided to paint each of their houses red, green, or blue. They've also decided that no two neighboring houses will be painted t…   Mubashwir returned home from the contest and got angry after seeing his room dusty. Who likes to see a dusty room after a brain storming programming contest? After checking a bit he found a…        PDF (English) Statistics Forum Time Limit: 1 second(s) Memory Limit: 32 MB A rook is a piece used in the game of chess which is played on a board of square grids. A rook can only move…
C - Crazy Calendar Time Limit:4000MS     Memory Limit:32768KB     64bit IO Format:%lld & %llu Submit Status Practice LightOJ 1393 Description 2011 was a crazy year. Many people all over the world proposed on 11-11-11, married on 11-11-11, some even w…
D - Partitioning Game Time Limit:4000MS     Memory Limit:32768KB     64bit IO Format:%lld & %llu Submit Status Description Alice and Bob are playing a strange game. The rules of the game are: Initially there are n piles. A pile is formed by some cell…
F - Again Stone Game Time Limit:2000MS     Memory Limit:32768KB     64bit IO Format:%lld & %llu Submit Status Description Alice and Bob are playing a stone game. Initially there are n piles of stones and each pile contains some stone. Alice stars the…
LightOJ1253 :Misere Nim 时间限制:1000MS    内存限制:32768KByte   64位IO格式:%lld & %llu 描述 Alice and Bob are playing game of Misère Nim. Misère Nim is a game playing on k piles of stones, each pile containing one or more stones. The players alternate turns and…
原题链接: 题目描述: 二叉树的前序.中序.后序遍历的定义:前序遍历:对任一子树,先访问跟,然后遍历其左子树,最后遍历其右子树:中序遍历:对任一子树,先遍历其左子树,然后访问根,最后遍历其右子树:后序遍历:对任一子树,先遍历其左子树,然后遍历其右子树,最后访问根.给定一棵二叉树的前序遍历和中序遍历,求其后序遍历(提示:给定前序遍历与中序遍历能够唯一确定后序遍历). 输入: 两个字符串,其长度n均小于等于26.第一行为…
1214 - Large Division   PDF (English) Statistics Forum Time Limit: 1 second(s) Memory Limit: 32 MB Given two integers, a and b, you should check whether a is divisible by b or not. We know that an integer a is divisible by an integer b if and only if…
  Time Limit:2000MS     Memory Limit:32768KB     64bit IO Format:%lld & %llu Submit Status Practice LightOJ 1138 Description You task is to find minimal natural number N, so that N! contains exactly Q zeroes on the trail in decimal notation. As you k…
1116 - Ekka Dokka   PDF (English) Statistics Forum Time Limit: 2 second(s) Memory Limit: 32 MB Ekka and his friend Dokka decided to buy a cake. They both love cakes and that's why they want to share the cake after buying it. As the name suggested tha…
1138 - Trailing Zeroes (III)   PDF (English) Statistics Forum Time Limit: 2 second(s) Memory Limit: 32 MB You task is to find minimal natural number N, so that N! contains exactly Q zeroes on the trail in decimal notation. As you know N! = 1*2*...*N.…
1328 - A Gift from the Setter   Problem setting is somewhat of a cruel task of throwing something at the contestants and having them scratch their head to derive a solution. In this problem, the setter is a bit kind and has decided to gift the contes…
1013 - Love Calculator Yes, you are developing a 'Love calculator'. The software would be quite complex such that nobody could crack the exact behavior of the software. So, given two names your software will generate the percentage of their 'love' ac…
1155 - Power Transmission   PDF (English) Statistics Forum Time Limit: 2 second(s) Memory Limit: 32 MB DESA is taking a new project to transfer power. Power is generated by the newly established plant in Barisal. The main aim of this project is to tr…