cf #387 div2 problem f 非常好的一道题.看完题,然后就不知道怎么做,感觉是dp,但是不知道怎么枚举.还有就是一般求第k小的思路一般是什么?对这类题目理解的不是很好. 这道题,跟上一篇的题解里面写的hdu 1002 递增数的题目的解法差不多,但是底层的求解需要花一些时间去推敲! 不会做,就看官方题解,看不懂说的什么.就从下面的讨论找大神的题解. I can describe my solu…
2070. Interesting Numbers Time limit: 2.0 secondMemory limit: 64 MB Nikolay and Asya investigate integers together in their spare time. Nikolay thinks an integer is interesting if it is a prime number. However, Asya thinks an integer is interesting i…
目录 1 问题描述 2 解决方案 1 问题描述 Problem Description We call a number interesting, if and only if: 1. Its digits consists of only 0, 1, 2 and 3, and all these digits occurred at least once. 2. Inside this number, all 0s occur before any 1s, and all 2s occur…
1 问题描述 Problem Description We call a number interesting, if and only if: 1. Its digits consists of only 0, 1, 2 and 3, and all these digits occurred at least once. 2. Inside this number, all 0s occur before any 1s, and all 2s occur before any 3s. The…
链接:来源:牛客网 题目描述 AFei loves numbers. He defines the natural number containing "520" as the AFei number, such as 1234520, 8752012 and 5201314. Now he wants to know how many AFei numbers are not greater than…
Description xrdog has a number set. There are 95 numbers in this set. They all have something in common and are all positive integers less than 500. The naughty xiao zhuan has deleted one of the numbers in the set. Can you find the number that xiao z…