原文地址:https://developer.apple.com/library/ios/technotes/tn2434/_index.html#//apple_ref/doc/uid/DTS40017252这个文档是 指导利用instrument 来分析App内存的,受益匪浅啊!!! 优化App的内存 技术文档TN2434 优化App内存 内存的优化像App的交互性和稳定性一样也是非常重要的.我们都不难发现App在不同的设备和不同系统中所占的内存也是不同的,而我们的设备内存是有限的.减少ap…
Managing Your App's Memory In this document How Android Manages Memory Sharing Memory Allocating and Reclaiming App Memory Restricting App Memory Switching Apps How Your App Should Manage Memory 「高效内存的16条策略」 Use services sparingly Release memory when…
Managing Your App's Memory Random-access memory (RAM) 在任何软件开发环境中都是宝贵的资源,它在物理内存有限的移动操作系统中更为宝贵.虽然 Android 的 Dalvik 虚拟机会执行日常的垃圾回收工作,但我们仍然不能忽视应用的内存分配和释放.(参考官方文档:Managing Your App's Memory | Android Developers) 为了使垃圾收集器从应用程序中回收内存,你要尽量避免内存泄漏(通常由持有全局成员对象的引用…
CHENYILONG Blog ARC官方文档翻译! - iPhone App开发外包专区 - 威锋论坛 - 威锋网  http://bbs.weiphone.com/read-htm-tid-3448966.html © chenyilong. Powered by Postach.io Blog…
https://stackoverflow.com/questions/5887248/ios-app-maximum-memory-budget device: (crash amount/total amount/percentage of total) iPad1: 127MB/256MB/49% iPad2: 275MB/512MB/53% iPad3: 645MB/1024MB/62% iPad4: 585MB/1024MB/57% (iOS 8.1) iPad Mini 1st Ge…
原文地址:http://www.journaldev.com/2856/java-jvm-memory-model-memory-management-in-java Understanding JVM Memory Model, Java Memory Management are very important if you want to understand the working of Java Garbage Collection. Today we will look into me…
http://developer.android.com/training/articles/memory.htmlhttp://developer.android.com/tools/debugging/debugging-memory.html Managing Your App's Memory 内存宝贵,虽然有虚拟机的GC机制,但app还是要关注内存的分配和释放. 避免内存泄露, 在合适的时机释放对象的引用 Android 没有给内存提供交换空间,但是使用到了paging 和 memor…
from: http://www.raizlabs.com/dev/2014/04/hunting-your-leaks-memory-management-in-android-part-2-of-2/ HUNTING YOUR LEAKS: MEMORY MANAGEMENT IN ANDROID (PART 2 OF 2) Posted  APRIL 9, 2014 by  JOE MAHON Woo-hoo! Now you know what is happening with you…
from : http://www.raizlabs.com/dev/2014/03/wrangling-dalvik-memory-management-in-android-part-1-of-2/ WRANGLING DALVIK: MEMORY MANAGEMENT IN ANDROID (PART 1 OF 2) Posted  MARCH 4, 2014 by  JOE MAHON Update: Part 2 is now up! Check it out! There are s…
由于本人英文能力实在有限,不足之初敬请谅解 本博客只要没有注明“转”,那么均为原创,转贴请注明本博客链接链接 Loading a single bitmap into your user interface (UI) is straightforward, however things get more complicated if you need to load a larger set of images at once. In many cases (such as with compo…