JAXB - XML Schema Types, Date and Time】的更多相关文章

JAXB binds all three of the schema types xsd:date, xsd:time and xsd:dateTime to XMLGregorianCalendar. This class is in the package javax.xml.datatype. (Do not confuse this with java.util.GregorianCalendar.) There is a convenient set of methods for ge…
Although object orientation isn't a key feature of XML or the XML Schema language, it's still possible to apply the fundamental OO paradigm when designing a schema: inheritance. This is based on the schema element xsd:extension which lets you add bot…
Data that has no "natural" representation with printable characters must, for inclusion in an XML file, still be represented in printable characters. The simple technique for this consists in converting the binary byte values to their hexadecima…
If you want a data type that enumerates discrete values you should use a restriction of the schema type xsd:string, enumerating all the values as you would in a Java enum type. <xsd:simpleType name="IXLType"> <xsd:restriction base="…
Content: A Value The content of an XML element may be some value, or one or more subordinate elements, or even a combination of both. Let's look at an XML element with a value of some type. This is defined by a schema construct like this: <xsd:elemen…
Types for XML elements are constructed using xsd:complexType, even if they do not have content. The snippet below defines a simple element with two attributes and no sub-elements. <xsd:complexType name="RouteType"> <xsd:attribute name=&…
Introduction An xml documents consists of elements, attributes and text. There are two structures in an xml document: simple ( contains only text ) can ba either Built-in, or Derived complex ( has attributes or child elements, and possibly texts as w…
XML Schema 语言也称作 XML Schema 定义(XML Schema Definition,XSD),作用是定义 XML 文档的合法构建模块,类似 DTD,但更加强大. 作用有: ①定义可出现在文档中的元素 ②定义可出现在文档中的属性 ③定义哪个元素是子元素 ④定义子元素的次序 ⑤定义子元素的数目 ⑥定义元素是否为空,或者是否可包含文本 ⑦定义元素和属性的数据类型 ⑧定义元素和属性的默认值以及固定值 XSD元素可分为简单元素和复杂元素. 一.简单元素 简易元素指仅包含文本的元素,它…
来自:http://www.cnblogs.com/newsouls/archive/2011/10/28/2227765.html Xml Schema的用途 1.  定义一个Xml文档中都有什么元素 2.  定义一个Xml文档中都会有什么属性 3.  定义某个节点的都有什么样的子节点,可以有多少个子节点,子节点出现的顺序 4.  定义元素或者属性的数据类型 5.  定义元素或者属性的默认值或者固定值 Xml Schema的根元素: <?xml version="1.0"?&g…
I use wcf-sap adapter for generate the schema of IDoc that named "YHREMPMASTER". but throw following error message. System.Xml.Schema.XmlSchemaException: The complexType 'http://Microsoft.LobServices.Sap/2007/03/Types/Idoc/2/YHREMPMASTER//731:YH…