How to begin Python learning?】的更多相关文章

如何开始Python语言学习? 1. 先了解它,Wiki百科: 2. Python, Ruby等语言来自开源社区,社区的学法是Vim(编辑器) + Docs(技术文档) + Interactive Shell,再就是Code(源码) + O'Reily(书籍)    社区: | 啄木鸟中文社区 | ChinaPythonUserGroup邮件列表 (活跃) | R…
''' 在程序运行的过程中,如果发生了错误,可以事先约定返回一个错误代码,这样,就可以知道是否有错,以及出错的原因.在操作系统提供的调用中,返回错误码非常常见.比如打开文件的函数open(),成功时返回文件描述符(就是一个整数),出错时返回-1. 用错误码来表示是否出错十分不便,因为函数本身应该返回的正常结果和错误码混在一起,造成调用者必须用大量的代码来判断是否出错 ''' # Exception # 高级语言通常都内置了一套try...except...finally...的错误处理机制,Py…
Python Learning Paths Python Expert Python in Action Syntax Python objects Scalar types Operators String I/O Functions Python modules Collections Python best practices Compare Python implementations Differentiate between computations using operators…
这是自己之前整理的学习Python的资料,分享出来,希望能给别人一点帮助. Learning Plan Python是什么?- 对Python有基本的认识 版本区别 下载 安装 IDE 文件构造 Python语言 - 基础的语言知识 变量 数据类型 列表/元组/字典/集合 条件语句 循环语句 函数 模块 面向对象 异常处理 Python命令行运行时带参数 Reference Python是什么?- 对Python有基本的认识 Python为我们提供了非常完善的基础代码库,覆盖了网络.文件.GUI…
After a short period of  new year days, I found life a little boring. So just do something funny--Python. Before we begin, what we should know first is that Python is a dynamic language, which means the type of data of every varieable Differences Bet…
1.The founder of python is Guido van Rossum ,he created it on Christmas in 1989, smriti of ABC language. 2.python can be used in many areas , such as   data analysis / Internet Service/ Image Processing and so on. 3.python is an interpretive language…
An inch is worth a pound of gold, an inch of gold is hard to buy an inch of time. Slice When the scale of data is so large that we have to pick a short of the content, the best way is to use Slice. Forward Slice >>>L=range(1,101) >>>L[1:…
OK, let's continue. Conditional Judgments and Loop if if-else if-elif-else while for break continue multiple loop Differences between Dict and Set Dict: A kind of structure in the type of "Key-Value" described in "{}" formed by "k…
1. Set  Set is a collection which is unordered and unindexed. No duplicate members In Python sets are written with curly brackets { } set1 = {'apple', 'banana', 'cherry'} list1 = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5] list_set = set(list1) print(set1) print(list_set, type(…
1.  Built-in Modules and Functions 1) Function def greeting(name): print("Hello,", name) greeting("Alan") 2)  import os import os os.system("dir") 2.  Number types 1)  int int, or integer, is a whole number, positive or negat…