Unreachable catch block for IOException. This exception is never thrown from the try statement body 不可到达的 catch 块异常.try 中的语句,永远不会引发此异常 2 quick fixes available 2 快速修复可用 点击其中一个,可以解决这个问题.…
最近遇到一个问题,打开VS2013和SQL Server2014都会出报错,错误信息如下: 以前都是好好的,重启了机子也不行,能打开两个VS,再打开第三个VS还是会报错,百度无果,还是在google上找到解决方法,在此记录. 原因是我最近装了mysql,环境变量里的字符数有2181个,字符过长,删掉了不用的不重要的环境变量,字符数降到1849个(字符数在2048个以内即可),打开VS2013和SQL Server,一切正常. mysql相关环境变量,确实过于冗长... C:\Program Fi…
记一次查询超时的解决方案The timeout period elapsed...... https://www.cnblogs.com/wyt007/p/9274613.html Exception has been thrown by the target of an invocation Timeout expired. The timeout period elapsed prior to completion of the operation or the server is not…
I'd suggest checking for an inner exception. If there isn't one, check your logs for the exception that occurred immediately prior to this one. This isn't a web-specific exception, I've also encountered it in desktop-app development. In short, what's…
今天搭建微信扫码支付环境的时候,一样的配置参数,调用连接提示错误 错误:调用的目标发生了异常 然后跟踪到执行 MD5 md5 = System.Security.Cryptography.MD5.Create(); 代码报错,使用度娘搜索无果.后面从谷歌搜索英文错误得以解决 解决办法: add the following configuration to your application configuration file and see if it works fine for you. 加…
最近因为要做一个启动器,在使用WPF做UI的时候,发现有错误如下: 错误 1 未知的生成错误"此实现不是 Windows 平台 FIPS 验证的加密算法的一部分. 行 8 位置 3." c:\users\tinayh\documents\visual studio 2013\Projects\WpfApplication1\WpfApplication1\App.xaml 8 3 WpfApplication1 百思不得其解啊,于是在网上solo,找到了解决方法: 1.在window中…
背景故事 影片<金刚>是2005年上映的一部冒险电影,它讲述1933年的美国,一名勇于冒险的企业家及电影制作者,率领摄制队伍到荒岛拍摄,其中包括女主角安及编剧杰克,他们遇到恐龙及当地土著的袭击,安发出的尖叫声换来金刚的回应.这只巨大无比的猩猩,连凶悍的恐龙也惧怕它几分,偏偏它却钟情于安.安其后将金刚由荒岛带回纽约,但却是它悲剧命运的开始.后来金刚被抓到了城市.为保护爱人同军队战斗,金刚为了带安再看一次她曾说过美丽的日出,爬上了帝国大厦,使自己陷入困境,与人类的飞机展开了最后决战.最后它摔下了帝…
文章的标题看似自相矛盾,然而我在"正确"二字上打了引号.我们来看一个例子,关于Java异常处理(Exception Handling)的一些知识点. 看下面这段程序.方法pleaseThrow接受一个Exception的实例,然后简单地将该实例抛出.然后调用这个方法时,我传入了一个SQLException的实例.因为pleaseThrow的调用包裹在一个try catch块里, 问题:plesseThrow方法抛出的SQLException可以成功被catch住么? public cl…
C#语言包含结构化异常处理(Structured Exception Handling,SEH). throw The throw statement is used to signal the occurrence(发生) of an anomalous(异常) situation (exception) during the program execution. Remarks The thrown exception is an object whose class is derived…
Introduction One of the revolutionary features of C++ over traditional languages is its support for exception handling. It provides a very good alternative to traditional techniques of error handling which are often inadequate and error-prone. The cl…