BZOJ1510: [POI2006]Kra-The Disks】的更多相关文章

BZOJ1510 POI2006 Kra-The Disks LINK 还是粘题面吧,但是图就算了 Description Johnny 在生日时收到了一件特殊的礼物,这件礼物由一个奇形怪状的管子和一些盘子组成. 这个管子是由许多不同直径的圆筒(直径也可以相同) 同轴连接而成. 这个管子的底部是封闭的,顶部是打开的. 下图是由直径为: 5cm, 6cm, 4cm, 3cm, 6cm, 2cm and 3cm 的圆筒组成的管子. 每个圆筒的高度都是相等的, 玩具中所带的盘子也是一些高度和它们相同的…
Kra-The Disks bzoj-1510 POI-2006 题目大意:题目链接. 注释:略. 想法:不难发现其实只有前缀最小值是有效的. 进而我们把盘子一个一个往里放,弄一个自底向上的指针往上蹦即可. 时间复杂度$O(n)$. Code: #include <iostream> #include <cstdio> #include <cstring> #include <algorithm> #define N 300010 using namespa…
1510: [POI2006]Kra-The Disks Time Limit: 5 Sec  Memory Limit: 64 MBSubmit: 265  Solved: 157[Submit][Status] Description Johnny 在生日时收到了一件特殊的礼物,这件礼物由一个奇形怪状的管子和一些盘子组成. 这个管子是由许多不同直径的圆筒(直径也可以相同) 同轴连接而成. 这个管子的底部是封闭的,顶部是打开的. 下图是由直径为: 5cm, 6cm, 4cm, 3cm, 6cm…
这道题可以O(n)解决,用二分还更慢一点 维护一个单调栈,模拟掉盘子的过程就行了 #include<stdio.h> #include<string.h> #include<algorithm> using namespace std; ; int n,m,h[maxn],st[maxn],top,x,now; int main(){ scanf("%d%d", &n, &m); top=; h[]=; ; i<=n; i++)…
1510: [POI2006]Kra-The Disks Time Limit: 5 Sec  Memory Limit: 64 MBSubmit: 466  Solved: 272[Submit][Status][Discuss] Description Johnny 在生日时收到了一件特殊的礼物,这件礼物由一个奇形怪状的管子和一些盘子组成. 这个管子是由许多不同直径的圆筒(直径也可以相同) 同轴连接而成. 这个管子的底部是封闭的,顶部是打开的. 下图是由直径为: 5cm, 6cm, 4cm,…
题目传送门 KRA 题目描述 For his birthday present little Johnny has received from his parents a new plaything which consists of a tube and a set of disks. The aforementioned tube is of unusual shape. Namely, it is made of a certain number of cylinders (of equa…
P3434 [POI2006]KRA-The Disks 题目描述 For his birthday present little Johnny has received from his parents a new plaything which consists of a tube and a set of disks. The aforementioned tube is of unusual shape. Namely, it is made of a certain number of…
BZOJ 1510 [POI2006] Kra-The Disks 描述 Johnny 在生日时收到了一件特殊的礼物,这件礼物由一个奇形怪状的管子和一些盘子组成. 这个管子是由许多不同直径的圆筒(直径也可以相同) 同轴连接而成. 这个管子的底部是封闭的,顶部是打开的. 每个圆筒的高度都是相等的, 玩具中所带的盘子也是一些高度和它们相同的圆筒,直径有大有小. Johnny 发明了一种游戏,把盘子从管子顶部一个接一个的扔下去,他想知道最后这些盘子落在了哪,假设盘子落下过程中圆心和管子的轴一直保持一致…
题目描述 For his birthday present little Johnny has received from his parents a new plaything which consists of a tube and a set of disks. The aforementioned tube is of unusual shape. Namely, it is made of a certain number of cylinders (of equal height)…
P3434 [POI2006]KRA-The Disks 题目描述 For his birthday present little Johnny has received from his parents a new plaything which consists of a tube and a set of disks. The aforementioned tube is of unusual shape. Namely, it is made of a certain number of…