[转] add-apt-repository】的更多相关文章

PostgreSQL Apt Repository If the version included in your version of Ubuntu is not the one you want, you can use the PostgreSQL Apt Repository. This repository will integrate with your normal systems and patch management, and provide automatic update…
How-To: add EPEL repository to Centos 6.x is Easy! | ITek Blog How-To: add EPEL repository to Centos 6.x is Easy!    Leave a reply centos-logo-gfx epel    Applicable to Centos 6.x Requirements root access        wget: yum install wget Installation ch…
第一步(可直接跳到第二步):安装nvidia显卡驱动 linux用户可以通过官方ppa解决安装GPU驱动的问题.使用如下命令添加Graphic Drivers PPA: 1 sudo add-apt-repository ppa:graphics-drivers/ppa  然后更新源: 1 sudo apt-get update  然后去navidia官网查看最新的驱动版本号:navidia官网:http://www.geforce.cn/drivers 比如说驱动的最新版本号为396,则执行如…
Prevent the CTRL from rebooting in loop killall scm watch echo 1 > /dev/watchdog& Install Git on Ubuntu 10.04 1) Make sure that the network is working. If needed, configure through "System" > "Network Proxy" > "Proxy…
GPU端到端目标检测YOLOV3全过程(下) Ubuntu18.04系统下最新版GPU环境配置 安装显卡驱动 安装Cuda 10.0 安装cuDNN 1.安装显卡驱动 (1)这里采用的是PPA源的安装方式,首先添加Graphic Drivers的PPA源,打开终端输入以下指令代码(添加PPA源并更新): sudo add-apt-repository ppa:graphics-drivers/ppa sudo apt-get update (2)使用命令行自动查看合适的驱动版本,系统会自动查找并…
这是因为key过期了 wget -q -O - https://archive.kali.org/archive-key.asc | apt-key add apt update…
0. 无废话版本 需求: 有一堆 .deb 包,想把它们做成一个 APT 仓库,这样就可以用apk install pkgname进行安装了,这样一方面自己可以规避 dpkg -i xxx.deb 时候的依赖问题,另一方面也方便了其他人 解决方法: mkdir -p /opt/raspi-apt-repos/raspbian8 cp ~/Downloads/raspbian8/*.deb /opt/raspi-apt-repos/raspbian8 cd /opt/raspi-apt-repos…
配置Nexus Repository 打开WEB管理界面:http://localhost:8081/nexus/index.html 点击右上角Log In进行登录,默认帐号:admin.密码:admin123 点击左侧Repositories项 -> central仓库 -> Configuration -> Download Remote Indexes=True -> Save,表示下载远程仓库的索引. 右键central仓库 -> Update Index,更新远程…
目录[-] (一)下载并安装Nexus (二)配置Nexus Repository 说明: (三)在项目中配置Nexus Repository的信息 (四)发布到Nexus Repository 本文将以开源的Nexus为例,演示如何将自己开发的项目部署到Nexus Repository中,解决项目发布.升级的问题. (一)下载并安装Nexus Nexus只需下载war包放到tomcat服务器上便可. (二)配置Nexus Repository 打开WEB管理界面:http://localhos…
A system with a complex domain model often benefits from a layer, such as the one provided by Data Mapper (165), that isolates domain objects from details of the database access code. In such systems it can be worthwhile to build another layer of abs…