简介 GestureDetector识别手势. GestureDetector.OnGestureListener是识别手势后的回调接口.GestureDetector.SimpleOnGestureListener是抽象类. 基本步骤: 1,构造GestureDetector,注意要传入context和listener(GestureDetector.OnGestureListener或GestureDetector.SimpleOnGestureListener) 2,在Activity/V…
Use Touch to Perform Scaling As discussed in Detecting Common Gestures, GestureDetector helps you detect common gestures used by Android such as scrolling, flinging, and long press. For scaling, Android provides ScaleGestureDetector.GestureDetector a…
1.Use Touch to Perform Scaling As discussed in Detecting Common Gestures, GestureDetector helps you detect common gestures used by Android such as scrolling, flinging, and long press. For scaling, Android provides ScaleGestureDetector .   GestureDete…
三种现实drag方式 1,在3.0以后可以直接用 View.OnDragListener (在onTouchEvent中调用某个view的startDrag()) 2,onTouchEvent()  3,GestureDetector.SimpleOnGestureListener 的onScroll Dragging This lesson describes how to use touch gestures to drag, using onTouchEvent() to intercep…
moving手势在onTouchEvent()或onTouch()中就可识别,编程时主要是识别积云的速度用VelocityTracker等, Tracking Movement This lesson describes how to track movement in touch events. A new onTouchEvent() is triggered with an ACTION_MOVE event whenever the current touch contact posit…
onInterceptTouchEvent可在onTouchEvent()前拦截触摸事件, ViewConfiguration得到触摸的属性如速度,距离等, TouchDelegate控制view展开 Managing Touch Events in a ViewGroup Handling touch events in a ViewGroup takes special care, because it's common for a ViewGroup to have children th…
简单滚动用ScrollView和 HorizontalScrollView就够.自定义view时可能要自定义滚动效果,可以使用 Scroller或 OverScroller Animating a Scroll Gesture In Android, scrolling is typically achieved by using the ScrollView class. Any standard layout that might extend beyond the bounds of it…
本文是Unity官方教程,性能优化系列的第三篇<Optimizing garbage collection in Unity games>的翻译. 相关文章: Unity性能优化(1)-官方教程The Profiler window翻译 Unity性能优化(2)-官方教程Diagnosing performance problems using the Profiler window翻译 Unity性能优化(3)-官方教程Optimizing garbage collection in Uni…
本文是Unity官方教程,性能优化系列的第二篇<Diagnosing performance problems using the Profiler window>的简单翻译. 相关文章: Unity性能优化(1)-官方教程The Profiler window翻译 Unity性能优化(2)-官方教程Diagnosing performance problems using the Profiler window翻译 Unity性能优化(3)-官方教程Optimizing garbage co…
本文是Unity官方教程,性能优化系列的第四篇<Optimizing graphics rendering in Unity games>的翻译. 相关文章: Unity性能优化(1)-官方教程The Profiler window翻译 Unity性能优化(2)-官方教程Diagnosing performance problems using the Profiler window翻译 Unity性能优化(3)-官方教程Optimizing garbage collection in Uni…