Implicit conversion from enumeration type 'enum CGImageAlphaInfo' to different enumeration type 'CGB 分类: iOS开发2013-11-28 15:55 745人阅读 评论(0) 收藏 举报 CGImageAlphaInfoCGContextRefCGBitmapContextCreatCGBitmapInfokCGBitmapByteOrderDe 在使用xcode5 sdk iOS7环境,创建…
The constants for specifying the alpha channel information are declared with the CGImageAlphaInfo type but can be passed to this parameter safely. Just use a cast to suppress the warning: CGBitmapInfo bitmapInfo =(CGBitmapInfo) kBitmapInfo;…
没有选择附件,但是点击上传按钮的时候会报错. 之前不选择文件,直接上传空文件是可以的,后来不知道改了什么就不行了. 错误信息: -- :: [http--] TRACE org.springframework.beans.TypeConverterDelegate - Field [] isn't an enum value java.lang.NoSuchFieldException: at java.lang.Class.getField(Unknown Source) at org.spr…
问题场景 在使用^0.5.10版本的solidity时,如果使用this关键字会出现以下问题. 代码: require(tokenContract.balanceOf(this) >= _numberOfTokens);(issue is here) 错误信息: TypeError: Invalid type for argument in function call. Invalid implicit conversion from contract DappTokenSale to addr…
org.springframework.beans.factory.BeanCreationException: Error creating bean with name 'sqlSessionFactory' defined in URL [jar:file:/G:/idjavacode/pygqingmu2parent/pyg_qingmu2_service_sellergoods/target/pyg_qingmu2_service_sellergoods/WEB-INF/lib/pyg…