How to install Apache Server on Windows】的更多相关文章

Note Those of you interested in the Apache 2.0.X tutorial, it has been abandon and I will no longer keep it updated, but it can be found here. Apache 2.2.X Download & Unpack Go to and choose a mirror.…
window也可以通过ssh客户端连接,具体方式参考下面 1 How to install an SSH Server in Windows Server 2008 2 freeSSHd and freeFTPd 下载 3 SSH server rejected X11 forwarding request…
[Update 26.02.2014] Many thanks to everybody commented on this post. As Falk already mentioned in the comments, a Service Pack for SharePoint 2013 has been recently released. This release makes this article obsolete, as any compatibility issues seems…
Install LAMP Server (Apache, MariaDB, PHP) On CentOS/RHEL/Scientific Linux 7 By SK  - August 12, 2014   LAMP is a combination of operating system and open-source software stack. The acronym of LAMP is derived from first letters of Linux, Apache HTTP…
Firstly, Winxp do not support VC11+, so choose Apache packs compiled under VC10-. Before installation, remember to install appropriate vc++ dist. I choose apache 2.4 vc10, apache lounge compiled ver. Go to the additional page, download a module to su…
取经自 继续干Tomcat和Apache Server. 继上次在单个Tomcat中配置Vritual Host以处理多个域名之后,我们在实际中还会遇到以下情景: 部门A,B,C各自有一套Tomcat和server,通常情况下,会各自购买域名服务.从统一管理和降低成本来说,可以只需要一套域名服务. 这就需要用到Apache Server集中所有…
10月30日,国外安全研究人员发现由于对apache设置不严,导致服务器状态暴露于公网.本来apache有一个叫server-status 的功能,为方便管理员检查服务器运行状态的.它是一个HTML页面,可以显示正在工作的进程数量,每个请求的状态,访问网站的客户端ip地址,正在被请求 的页面. 但是如果这个页面对公网开放,就会存在一些安全隐患,例如任何人口可以看到谁在访问网站,甚至包括一些本来隐藏的管理页面. 如果没有加载这个模块,如果您是linux服务器,那么就需要您重新编译apache了,编…
当前许多虚拟服务器如阿里云的ECS服务器,都提供各式各样的虚拟机,常见的有Linux.Windows等,如果我们使用了Apache Server作为虚拟机的Web服务器,并且我们希望多个web应用程序绑定多域名,这时候可以使用Apache Server的Virtual Host 节点进行配置. 下面我们以Linux下,XAMPP一站式生成的web应用程序绑定多域名为例子,实现多个域名绑定多个web应用程序. 1.ssh终端输入vim /opt/lampp/etc/httpd.conf,找到 In…
Virtual Networking Computing (VNC) is a Kind of remote sharing system that makes it possible to take control of any other computer connected to internet. Keyboard and mouse clicks can easily transmit from one computer to another. It helps administrat…
How to Install Apache Tomcat 8.5 on CentOS 7.3 From: This tutorial exists for these OS versions CentOS 7.3 CentOS 7 On this page Step 1 - Install Java (JRE and JDK) Step 2 - Configu…