confluo要解决的问题, 对于kafka这样大吞吐的系统,无法提供太多的查询功能:而传统数据库提供比较强的查询功能,但是吞吐又比较小 所以是否有一个系统可以,又...又... confluo说他行 使用 先看下confluo是怎么…
2010 这个呢,就是time slotted的DSA网络MAC层协议. 跟上一篇单纯的Multi Channel实现类似,不过这里是CR网络,因为多了嗅探等操作. 简单的说,time slotted的协议,是要求全局同步操作的,而之前提过的random access不需要.同步操作是由定期的beacon发送来实现的,即IEEE 802.11的TSF,通过定期的beacon把时间分成两部分:ATIM窗口部分和数据传输部分.在本论文里,在ATIM窗口部分,完成了同步的功能.嗅探的功能.嗅探结果共享…
监控系统 & monitoring & DevOps Zabbix Zabbix is an enterprise-class open source distributed monitoring solution…
linux 阿里技术协会 摘要: Linux服务器上经常遇到一些系统和应用上的问题,如何分析排查,需要利器,下面总结列表了一些常用工具.trace tool:最后也列举了最近hadoop社区在开发发展的分布式系统的trace tool. 概览: 引用linux-performance-analysis-and-tools中图片, Linux服务器上经常遇到一些系统和应用上的问题,如何分析排查,需要利器,下面总结列表了一些常用工具.trace tool:最后也列举了最近hadoop社区在开发发展的…
参考来源:(官网) 1what’s zabbix? index detail remark 1 An enterprise-class open source distributed monitoring solution 2 Monitor numerous parameters of a network and the health and integrity…
Microservices What are Microservices? What are Microservices - Microservices - What is Microservices? - SmartBear What are Microservices? - RedHat The What, Why, and How of a Microservices Architecture What are Micro…
首先要看看目前Nagios的主配置路径下有哪些文件.[root@nagios etc]# ll总用量 152-rwxrwxr-x. 1 nagios nagios 1825 9月  24 14:40 cgi.cfg-rwxrwxr-x. 1 nagios nagios 9747 9月  24 14:40 checkcommands.cfg-rwxrwxr-x. 1 nagios nagios 1089 9月  24 14:40 connectors.cfg-rwxrwxr-x. 1 nagios…
目标 配置分布式的icinga2监控系统.分布式监控适用于服务器遍布在多个区域,且需要一个master做统一管理. 搭建环境 服务器 系统: ubuntu 15.04/ubuntu 14.04 icinga2主节点: 负责分发配置,统一展示监控结果. icinga2子节点1: 负责监控openstack RegionOne区域的所有服务器 icinga2子节点2: 负责将空openstack RegionTwo区…
Data often trickles in and is added to an existing data store for further usage, such as analytics, processing, and serving. Many HBase use cases fall in this category-using HBase as the data store that captures incremental data coming in from variou…
yum -y install xml* libxml* net-snmp net-snmp* php-bcmath ./configure --enable-server --enable-agent --with-mysql --enable-ipv6 --with-net-snmp --with-libcurl --with-libxml2 --with-ssh2 --with-jabber --with-openipmi --prefix=/usr/local/zabbix IKSEMEL…
1.2性能调优特性和工具 Effective data collection and analysis isessential for identifying and correcting performance problems. Oracle providesa number of tools that allow a performance engineer to gather informationregarding database performance. In addition t…
zabbix 4 官方: 一 简介 Monitor anythingSolutions for any kind of IT infrastructure, services, applications, resources 监控一切 Enterprise-readyMature, enterprise-level platform to monitor large-scale IT environments 成熟的企业级监控平台 Zabbix is…
点击返回架构师成长之路 点击返回:自学Zabbix之路 点击返回:自学Zabbix4.0之路 点击返回:自学zabbix集锦 架构师成长之路4.4-多维监控体系_zabbix 自学Zabbix之路[第一回]:初识Zabbix 1.1 自学Zabbix1.1-简介 1.2 自学Zabbix1.2-zabbix特性 1.3 自学Zabbix1.3-zabbix进程 自学Zabbix之路[第二回]:安装Zabbix 2.1 自学Zabbix2.1-安装需求 2.2 自学Zabbix2.2-服务器端环境…
2010年的香港的网站上看到如下价格: 什么才算一个sensor What counts as a sensor? The licensing options are based on the number of sensors. Each of the following items counts as one sensor: Monitoring traffic/bandwidth on one…
Prerequisites Install Docker version 1.13 or higher. Get Docker Compose. On Docker for Mac and Docker for Windows it’s pre-installed, so you’re good-to-go. On Linux systems you need to install it directly. On pre Windows 10 systems without Hyper-V, u…
Make sure you have published the friendlyhello image you created by pushing it to a registry. We’ll use that shared image here. Be sure your image works as a deployed container. Run this command, slotting in your info for username, repo, and tag: doc…
这里开始要讲一些Nagios的配置. 首先要看看目前Nagios的主配置路径下有哪些文件.[root@nagios etc]# ll总用量 152-rwxrwxr-x. 1 nagios nagios 1825 9月  24 14:40 cgi.cfg-rwxrwxr-x. 1 nagios nagios 9747 9月  24 14:40 checkcommands.cfg-rwxrwxr-x. 1 nagios nagios 1089 9月  24 14:40 connectors.cfg-…
目录 LD Sketch SeqHash What's New reversible sketch Count-Sketch和Count-min sketch Diamond Sketch: Accurate Per-flow Measurement Finding top-k elements in data streams 附录 Bloom filter Quotient Filter and Cascade Filter 总结 LD Sketch 应用:网络流中的 异常检测 heavy h…
基于zabbix 3.0 Method reference This section provides an overview of the functions provided by the Zabbix API and will help you find your way around the available classes and methods. Monito…
今天把自己用的win7渗透虚拟机和渗透工具脚本整合到一起备份传网盘了: D:\渗透工具包>dir 驱动器 D 中的卷是 DATA 卷的序列号是 0D74-084B D:\渗透工具包 的目录 // : <DIR> . // : <DIR> .. // : <DIR> arp嗅探 // : <DIR> src // : <DIR> webshell // : <DIR> XSS工具 // : <DIR> 代码审计 //…
从web现状谈及性能优化 原文出处:<Karolina Szczur: The State of the Web> 性能优化指南The Internet is growing exponentially, and so is the Web platform we create. Often though we fail to reflect on the greater picture of connectivity and contexts the audience of our work…
一.Flink 简介 Apache Flink 诞生于柏林工业大学的一个研究性项目,原名 StratoSphere .2014 年,由 StratoSphere 项目孵化出 Flink,并于同年捐赠 Apache,之后成为 Apache 的顶级项目.2019 年 1 年,阿里巴巴收购了 Flink 的母公司 Data Artisans,并宣布开源内部的 Blink,Blink 是阿里巴巴基于 Flink 优化后的版本,增加了大量的新功能,并在性能和稳定性上进行了各种优化,经历过阿里内部多种复杂业…
Mirantis 和 Red Hat 作为 OpenStack 商业化产品领域的两大领军企业,在行业内有重要的地位.因此,研究其产品版本发布周期和所支持的功能,对制定 OpenStack 产品的版本和功能规划有重要的参考意义. 1. 版本基本情况 OpenStack 版本 OpenStack GA 日期 RedHat OpenStack Platform 版本 Mirantis  OpenStack Juno 2014-10-16 6 (Feb 9, 2015) 6.0 (12/25/2014)… DT is a reliable UDP based application level data transport protocol for distributed data intensive applications over wide area high-speed networks. UDT uses UDP to transfer bulk data with its own reliability control and c…
version: '2' services: elasticsearch: image: docker.calix.local:18080/docker-elasticsearch:6.2.2-1 # build: # context: elasticsearch/ volumes: - ./elk_data/elk1:/data # - ./elasticsearch/config/elasticsearch.yml:/usr/share/elasticsearch/config/elasti… Jun 22, 2016 • packagecloud Tags: packagecloud linux kernel networking optimization tuning monitoring TL;DR This blog post explains how computers runn…
Overview 从宏观的角度来看,一个packet从网卡到socket接收缓冲区的路径如下所示: 驱动加载并初始化 packet到达网卡 packet通过DMA被拷贝到内核中的一个ring buffer 产生一个硬件中断,让系统知道已经有个packet到达内存 驱动会调用NAPI启动一个poll loop,如果它还没启动的话 系统的每个CPU上都有一个ksoftirqd进程,它们都是在系统启动的时候就已经注册了的.ksoftirqd进程会调用NAPI的poll函数从ring buffer中将p…
Open source software has become a fundamental building block for some of the biggest websites. And as those websites have grown, best practices and guiding principles around their architectures have emerged. This chapter seeks to cover some of the ke…
转自: Scalable Web Architecture and Distributed Systems Kate Matsudaira Open source software has become a fundamental building block for someof the biggest websites. And as those websites have grown,best practices and…
Learn how you can maximize big data in the cloud with Apache Hadoop. Download this eBook now. Brought to you in partnership with Hortonworks. In February 2016, I presented a brand new talk at OOP in Munich: “Comparison of Frameworks and Tools for Big…