Xvector nnet Training of Xvector nnet Xvector nnet in Kaldi Statistics Extraction Layer in Kaldi Statistics Pooling Layer in Kaldi Implementation in Kaldi Construct specific ComputationRequest for Xvector kaldi::nnet3::RunNnetComputation at nnet3…
标准LSTM: 与标准LSTM相比,Kaldi的fastlstm对相同或类似的矩阵运算进行了合并. # Component specific to 'projected' LSTM (LSTMP), contains both recurrent and non-recurrent projections fastlstm.W_rp, fast lstm Weight recurrent projected fastlstm.W_all, fast lst…
转自:http://blog.csdn.net/xmdxcsj/article/details/54695506 overview type author CPU/GPU feature nnet1 Karel GPU单卡训练 使用pre-training,使用early stopping nnet2 Dan 支持多GPU训练,以及多CPU多线程 使用固定epoch个数,最后几个epoch参数平均 nnet3 Dan 是nnet2的扩展 支持更多的网络类型(比如RNN/LSTM) Karel’s…