
IBM POWER9 E950 and E980 Servers Launched https://www.servethehome.com/ibm-power9-e950-and-e980-servers-launched/ IBM Power9 E950 At the very top-end of the server market, x86 loses steam. Here players like the IBM POWER9 are able to offer some reall…
1. 浪商官网上面的内容貌似有点问题 来源: https://www.inspurpower.com/product/others.php?f=E980 但是wiki 里面的东西: 其实只有12core SMT8  一个CPU 其实 96个线程. IBM Power Systems AC922 – × POWER9 SMT4 Monza, with up to × Nvidia Volta GPUs, × CAPI TB DDR4 RAM. AC here ][][][][] Power Sys…
=================================版权声明================================= 版权声明:原创文章 禁止转载  请通过右侧公告中的“联系邮箱(wlsandwho@foxmail.com)”联系我 勿用于学术性引用. 勿用于商业出版.商业印刷.商业引用以及其他商业用途. 本文不定期修正完善. 本文链接:http://www.cnblogs.com/wlsandwho/p/5141395.html 耻辱墙:http://www.cnblo…
GO语言的进阶之路-Golang字符串处理以及文件操作 作者:尹正杰 版权声明:原创作品,谢绝转载!否则将追究法律责任. 我们都知道Golang是一门强类型的语言,相比Python在处理一些并发问题也是有过之而无不及,甚至可以说远远的甩python几条街.学过python基础或是shell的童鞋应该知道我们在定义一个变量的时候是不需要指定其所属数据类型的,直接让其等于一个变量即可,他们的解释器会自动识别你定义的是个整数,浮点数,字符串,还是数组或是函数.而Golang在定义每个变量的时候都被指定…
CSS源码 common.css /** *Created by xxc on 2019/2/26 */ body, html, div, img, a, p, ul, ol, dl, dd, dt, li, h1, h2, h3, h4, h5, em, i, form, input, span, button { *zoom:; margin:; padding:; font-style: normal; outline: none; list-style: none } img { out…
一.编译环境搭建 (更细节的环境搭建请参考:How to Build CyanogenMod for Nexus 7 (Wi-Fi, 2012 version) (codename: grouper)) 1.在执行了source build/envsetup.sh的时候,会执行vendor/cm/vendorsetup.sh: for combo in $(curl -s https://raw.githubusercontent.com/CyanogenMod/hudson/master/cm…
This example demonstrates how to populate and display a list of objects that are not bound to the database (non-persistent objects). A sample application that stores a list of books will be created in this example. An Action that displays a list of d…
  AIX系统版本 AIX 7.2 No supported AIX levels. AIX 7.1 Technology Level     Base Level     Recommended Level     Latest Level 7100-00     7100-00-00     7100-00-10     7100-00-10 7100-01     7100-01-00     7100-01-10     7100-01-10 7100-02     7100-02-00…