Given a sorted array of integers, find the starting and ending position of a given target value. Your algorithm's runtime complexity must be in the order of O(log n). If the target is not found in the array, return [-1, -1]. For example,Given [5, 7,…
# -*- coding: utf8 -*-'''__author__ = '' 34: Search for a Range Given a sorted array of integers, find the starting and ending position of a given target value.Your algorithm's r…
leetcode - 34. Search for a Range - Medium descrition Given an array of integers sorted in ascending order, find the starting and ending position of a given target value. Your algorithm's runtime complexity must be in the order of O(log n). If the ta…
原题目:Search for a Range, 现在题目改为: 34. Find First and Last Position of Element in Sorted Array Given an array of integers nums sorted in ascending order, find the starting and ending position of a given target value. Your algorithm's runtime complexity…
Search for a Range Given a sorted array of integers, find the starting and ending position of a given target value. Your algorithm's runtime complexity must be in the order of O(log n). If the target is not found in the array, return [-1, -1]. For ex…
Search for a Range Given a sorted array of integers, find the starting and ending position of a given target value. Your algorithm's runtime complexity must be in the order of O(log n). If the target is not found in the array, return [-1, -1]. For ex…
Search for a Range Given a sorted array of integers, find the starting and ending position of a given target value. Your algorithm's runtime complexity must be in the order of O(log n). If the target is not found in the array, return [-1, -1]. For ex…
Given an array of integers sorted in ascending order, find the starting and ending position of a given target value. Your algorithm's runtime complexity must be in the order of O(log n). If the target is not found in the array, return [-1, -1]. For e…
一天一道LeetCode系列 (一)题目 Given a sorted array of integers, find the starting and ending position of a given target value. Your algorithm's runtime complexity must be in the order of O(log n). If the target is not found in the array, return [-1, -1]. For…
题目链接:   Problem: 在已知递减排序的数组中,查找到给定数字的起止下标   采用两遍扫描: 第一遍扫描得到给定数字的起始下标,(从下标i==0开始到nums.lenght-1) 第二遍扫描从第一遍扫描得到的下标开始进行扫描    参考代码: package leetcode_50; /*** * * @author pengfei_zheng * 数组中…