一.新建windows应用程序项目,添加vedioForm窗体 二.在com组件中找到windows media player,添加引用 三.代码如下: public partial class VedioForm : Form { private AxWMPLib.AxWindowsMediaPlayer axWindowsMediaPlayer1; public VedioForm() { InitializeComponent(); InitVedio(); } private void…
free Media Players (Free MP3, Video, and Music Player ...) are cool because they let web developers and bloggers embed MP3 Players/FLV Olayers and build customized JukeBox on the websites. With these online Media players, you can add a list of songs…
1.jQuery原型对象解密 jQuery里面的大部分API都是在jQuery的原型对象上定义的.jQuery源码中对原型对象做了简写的处理.也就是说:jQuery.fn === jQuery.prototype,参考jQuery源码: ... jQuery.fn = jQuery.prototype = { // The current version of jQuery being used jquery: version, constructor: jQuery, // The defau…