1.6.2017 葰γí千萬丆γáò絠ィ壬菏鰯嚸,銣惈絠,倁噵ㄖㄅ者β淂簳掉.千澫丕楆被莂亽抓ィ主鰯點,以佌襲撃.那個記駐,吢軟劊嗐死尓垍己ㄖㄅ.絠仒槇可笑,鯟覀者βる誐手裏魢泾吺有談半リ的籌碼,還茬誐跟說ィ╂麽話. 但凡譮引起鉨情緒菠憅的,或亽或倳都榦dιао,蕝丕鈊慈手軟. 1.5.2017 The Earth is really amazing, at the same time, in different places you can get different times. Impos…
转载原地址: http://24days.in/umbraco/2013/getting-started-with-examine/ Everytime I read the word Examine or Lucene it is always combined with doing some crazy data extravaganza that sounds magical but requires 2 strong men, a Tesla Roadster, some squirre…
#瓦登尔湖词频统计: import string path = 'D:/python3/Walden.txt' with open(path,'r',encoding= 'utf-8') as text: words = [raw_word.strip(string.punctuation).lower() for raw_word in text.read().split()] words_index = set(words) counts_dict = {index:words.count(…