比赛链接:https://www.codechef.com/FEB18,题面和提交记录是公开的,这里就不再贴了 Chef And His Characters 模拟题 Chef And The Patents 模拟题 Permutation and Palindrome 模拟题 Car-pal Tunnel 结论比较简单 Broken Clock 求余弦的n倍角,可以用复数的快速幂解决 $cos(a)=x \\ sin(a)=\sqrt{1-x^2} \\ cos(na) = Re((x+\sq…
链接: https://www.codechef.com/FEB18/problems/BROCLK Broken Clock Problem Code: BROCLK Chef has a clock, but it got broken today — the minute hand on Chef's clock doesn't rotate by the angle 2π/3600 each second, but by a different fixed angle x. The c…
Codechef October Challenge 2018 游记 CHSERVE - Chef and Serves 题目大意: 乒乓球比赛中,双方每累计得两分就会交换一次发球权. 不过,大厨和小厨用了另外一种规则:双方每累计得 K 分才会交换发球权.比赛开始时,由大厨发球. 给定大厨和小厨的当前得分(分别记为 P1 和 P2),请求出接下来由谁发球. 思路: \((P1+P2)\%K\)判断奇偶性即可. 代码链接 BITOBYT - Byte to Bit 题目大意: 在字节国里有三类居民…