static void THK_importLedgerJournalTrans(Args _args) { Filename fileName = "C:\\Users\\ksiu3880\\Desktop\\GL Journal test.xlsx"; LedgerJournalId ledgerJournalId = "000425_010"; Name nameDimensionAttribute1 = "Department"; Nam…
static void FAN_GLImport(Args _args) { AxLedgerJournalTable header = new AxLedgerJournalTable(); AxLedgerJournalTrans trans = new AxLedgerJournalTrans(); container ledgerDim, offsetDim; LedgerJournalNameId ledgerJournalNameId = "GeneralJR"; Dime…
In this Document   Purpose   Scope   Details   A) Database Init.ora Parameters   B) Concurrent Program Controls setup   C) General Ledger Optimizer program   C.1) To create and drop indexes for your chart of accounts segments:   C.2) To update statis…
1. @importSelector定义: /** * Interface to be implemented by types that determine which @{@link Configuration} * class(es) should be imported based on a given selection criteria, usually one or more * annotation attributes. * * <p>An {@link ImportSele…
install python extension Press F1, and input "ext install python". Then the icon at the leftmost side of the status bar is saying that something is being installed. Need to wait a while. Use command "ext" + a space to see installed ext…
一.定义 模块:用来从逻辑上组织python代码(变量,函数,类,逻辑:实现一个功能) 本质就是.py结尾的python文件(文件名,对应的模块名:test) 包:用来从逻辑上组织模块的,本质是一个目录(必须带一个 二.导入方法 import module_name                          #导入一个模块 import module1_name,import module2_name         #导入多个模块  跟上面一样…
/** * Indicates one or more {@link Configuration @Configuration} classes to import. * 表示import 一个或多个class * <p>Provides functionality equivalent to the {@code <import/>} element in Spring XML. * 等同于Spring XML 中的 <import/>的作用 * Allows for…
==code 模块== ``code`` 模块提供了一些用于模拟标准交互解释器行为的函数. ``compile_command`` 与内建 ``compile`` 函数行为相似, 但它会通过测试来保证你传递的是一个完成的 Python 语句. 在 [Example 2-47 #eg-2-47] 中, 我们一行一行地编译一个程序, 编译完成后会执行所得到的代码对象 (code object). 程序代码如下: ``` a = ( 1, 2, 3 ) print a ``` 注意只有我们到达第 2…
两种用法: 一.指定输出类名 // export 输出 export class App extends React.Componet { // ..code } // import 引入 import {App} from './app'; 二.不指定输出类名 // export 输出 export default class App extends React.Componet { // ..code } // 此时import命令可以为引入的类指定任意名字. import App from…
6 Easy Steps to Learn Naive Bayes Algorithm (with code in Python) Introduction Here’s a situation you’ve got into: You are working on a classification problem and you have generated your set of hypothesis, created features and discussed the importanc…
原题地址: 题目描述: Problem After years of study, scientists at Google Labs have discovered an alien language transmitted from a faraway planet. The alien language is very unique in that every word…
For a file which contians lots of lines of code, we can use 'comments region' to collapse the code. import "./styles.css"; // #region setup document.getElementById("app").innerHTML = ` <h1>Hello Vanilla!</h1> <div> We…
With the help of LiJun I got a piece of JAVA code. With this code, I can do below things like connect to oracle database with jdbc driver and run sql. Below are the Java code. import java.sql.Connection; import java.sql.DriverManager; import java.sql…
SAP T CODE : Description (Program) V : Quickstart RKCOWUSL (RKCOWUSL)V+01 : Create Sales Call (SAPMV43A)V+02 : Create Telephone Call (SAPMV43A)V+03 : Create Sales Letter (SAPMV43A)V+11 : Create Direct Mailing (SAPMV43A)V+21 : Create Sales Prospect (S…
ModuleNotFoundError: No module named '_pydevd_bundle.pydevd_cython' ImportError: cannot import name 'InteractiveConsole' 错误原因:有个文件夹名叫code,与系统的code冲突了: from code import InteractiveConsole 解决方法:把code文件夹改成别的就好了. ---------------------  版权声明:本文为CSDN博主「She…
1.替换空格 题目描述:请实现一个函数,将一个字符串中的每个空格替换成“%20”.例如,当字符串为We Are Happy.则经过替换之后的字符串为We%20Are%20Happy. 分析: 将长度为1的空格替换为长度为3的“%20”,字符串的长度变长. 如果允许我们开辟一个新的数组来存放替换空格后的字符串, 那么这道题目就非常简单.设置两个指针分别指向新旧字符串首元素, 遍历原字符串,如果碰到空格就在新字符串上填入“%20”, 否则就复制元字符串上的内容.但是如果面试官要求 在原先的字符串上操…
OpenGL快问快答 本文内容主要来自对(的翻译,随机加入了本人的观点.与原文相比,章节未必完整,含义未必雷同,顺序未必一致.仅供参考. +BIT祝威+悄悄在此留下版了个权的信息说: 名词术语 渲染:等于"画",等于"draw". OpenGL是什么? OpenGL是Open Graphics Library(开源图形库)的缩写.它是一本说明书,是一个PDF文件.它写的是渲染三维图形所使用的API(App…
Topic Summary Topic: CORRECTIONS: Corrections Topic: DELIVER: Receiving Delivery Topic: DROPSHIP: Drop Shipment Topic: INSPECT: Receiving Inspection Topic: LOT_SERIAL: Lot/Serial Control Topic: ORACLE TIME AND LABOR: OTL Topic: PAY_ON_RCPT: Pay On Re…
摘要:在NeHe的OpenGL教程第43课源代码基础上,调用文泉驿正黑字体实现中文字体的显示 在OpenGL中显示汉字一直是个麻烦的事情,很多中文书籍的文抄公乐此不疲地介绍各种方法及其在windows下的代码实现.此处不在赘述,有兴趣的可以参考下面的文章: OpenGL点阵字体绘制终极解决方案!哈! 下面的代码是在NeHe教程第43课的基础上,添加了中文字体显示功能,原则上只要字体库支持,任何unicode字符串都是可以显示的 btw,unbutu下字体库文件位置:/usr/share/font…
现在增加了一个filter属性,所以可以很好和opencv结合.转一篇文章( Introducing video filters in Qt Multimedia Published Friday March 20th, 2015 3 Comments Posted in Graphics, Multimedia, OpenGL, Qt Q…
Skip Headers Oracle Global Finanicals Oracle Global Financials Technical Reference Manual Release 11i         Globalization Flexfields This document describes the globalization flexfields that store certain pieces of country- and region-specific info…
Skip Headers Oracle Global Finanicals Oracle Global Financials Technical Reference Manual Release 11i         Globalization Flexfields This document describes the globalization flexfields that store certain pieces of country- and region-specific info…
GPUImageFramebuffer类用于管理帧缓冲对象,负责帧缓冲对象的创建和销毁,读取帧缓冲内容 属性 @property(readonly) CGSize size 说明:只读属性,在实现中,设置缓冲区的size   @property(readonly) GPUTextureOptions textureOptions 说明:纹理的选项   @property(readonly) GLuint texture 说明:管理纹理   @property(readonly) BOOL mis…
1.Excel Code import os import time import re import win32com.client def dealpath(pathname='') -> str: """ deal with windows file path :param pathname: path name of excel :return: path """ if pathname: pathname = pathname.s…
Introduction Log files are files that contain messages about the system, including the kernel, services, and applications running on it. There are different log files for different information. For example, there is a default system log file, a log f…
什么是约瑟夫环呢? 约瑟夫环是一个数学的应用问题:已知n个人(以编号1,2,3...n分别表示)围坐在一张圆桌周围.从编号为k的人开始报数,数到m的那个人出列;他的下一个人又从1开始报数,数到m的那个人又出列;依此规律重复下去,直到圆桌周围的人全部出列. 我们用程序说话,实现约瑟夫环:eclipse jdk1.6 package code; import java.awt.PointerInfo; import java.util.Random; import java.util.Scanner…
Graph Structure Graph Definition theano's symbolic mathematical computation, which is composed of: Apply node: the application of an operator to some variable. Variable node: symbolic varibles. Op node: mathematical operation like: +,-,*,\,sqrt,sum,t…
简介 Apache Kafka是分布式发布-订阅消息系统.它最初由LinkedIn公司开发,之后成为Apache项目的一部分.Kafka是一种快速.可扩展的.设计内在就是分布式的,分区的和可复制的提交日志服务. Kafka架构 它的架构包括以下组件: 话题(Topic):是特定类型的消息流.消息是字节的有效负载(Payload),话题是消息的分类名或种子(Feed)名. 生产者(Producer):是能够发布消息到话题的任何对象. 服务代理(Broker):已发布的消息保存在一组服务器中,它们被…
简单java程序在线测评程序 一.前言 大家过年好!今年的第一篇博客啊!家里没有网,到处蹭无线!日子过得真纠结!因为毕设的需求,简单写了一个java程序在线测评程序,当然也可以在本地测试. 二.思路 首先简单介绍一下思路: 1.得到java程序的源代码,不需要导入包.得到源码之后在前面加入”import java.util.*;” 2.通过JavaCompiler对象可以帮助我们将java源代码编译成class文件. 3.通过DiagnosticCollector对象可以获得编译过程中产生的编译…
#coding=utf-8 #Python 3.4 #IDE:Visual Studio 2015 Window10 import atexit import os import unicodedata import sys import time import unicodedata import winsound import code import codecs import math import csv impo…