007 The Inheritance In JAVA】的更多相关文章

在JAVA中有一个特型叫继承(Inheritance),通过继承我们可以重复使用代码,令代码简洁,易于扩展.例如:有一个sharp的类,这个类实现了sharp的一些方法,现在我们要写一个circle的类,我们想了想,呀circle属于sharp的一种呀,我们可以继承sharp呀!对,这就是继承的奥妙! 请看下面的代码: /** * @author gavin * 这是一个描述形状的类 */ class Sharp { public double area(){ return 0; } /* *…
In this tutorial we will discuss about the inheritance in Java. The most fundamental element of Java is the class. A class represents an entity and also, defines and implements its functionality. In Java, classes can be derived from other classes, in…
前言 译文链接:http://www.journaldev.com/2366/core-java-interview-questions-and-answers Java 8有哪些重要的特性 Java 8发布于2014年3月,这块内容在Java面试中非常常见.如果你能清晰的回答这方面的问题,说明you are not out,喜欢学习最新的技术.Java 8是继Java 5的注解和泛型之后所做的最大的改动,主要的新特性如下: 1.接口支持静态方法和默认方法 2.函数式接口和Lambda表达式 3…
Hi guys, I am happy to tell you that I am moving to the open source world. And Java is the 1st language I have chosen for this migration. It's a nice chance to read some great books like "Effective Java 2nd Edition" and share the note for what I…
Polymorphism Abstract classes and methods If you have an abstract class, objects of that specific class almost always have no meaning. You create an abstract class when you want to manipulate a set of classes through its common interface. A class con…
转载自:http://stackoverflow.com/questions/9192309/the-main-difference-between-java-c C++ supports pointers whereas Java does not pointers. But when many programmers questioned how you can work without pointers, the promoters began saying "Restricted poi…
转载自:http://www.cnblogs.com/springfor/p/4036739.html C++ supports pointers whereas Java does not. But when many programmers questioned how you can work without pointers, the promoters began saying "Restricted pointers.” So we can say java supports Res…
1.2. The Java "White Paper" BuzzwordsThe authors of Java have written an influential White Paper that explains their design goals and accomplishments. They also published a shorter summary that is organized along the following 11 buzzwords:1. Si…
5.1. Classes, Superclasses, and SubclassesLet's return to the Employee class that we discussed in the previous chapter. Suppose (alas) you work for a company at which managers are treated differently from other employees. Managers are, of course, jus…
Part 1 reference:http://jaxenter.com/lambdas-in-java-8-part-1-49700.html Get to know lambda expressions in Java 8. Few things excite a community of software developers more than a new release of their chosen programming language or platform. Java dev…