Target Operator ID has No Access to Upgrade】的更多相关文章

If you are attempting to migrate a project between environments through application designer you might get a message saying: Target Operator ID has 'No Access' to Upgrade. (62,14) In the explain text, it states that: In order to access the target dat…
获取AWS的Access Key ID 和 Secret Access Key 是你可以访问AWS的依据,比如S3的“使用预签名 URL 上传对象”. 1.登录AWS控制台 2.在“AWS services”搜索框中搜索“access key” 3.点击搜索跳出的选项:IAM 4.点击“Rotate your access keys ”,点击Button:Manage User Access Keys 5.选择Security credentials标签,点击Button “Create acc…
w <?php $wecho = '<form id="del' . $wid . '" method="POST" action="" > <input type="hidden" name="del" value="' . $one[$wii . 's' . 'id'] . '" > <span id="js' . $wid . '&qu…
1.使用 python flask 框架做项目时,在实体类中配置了 映射关系, message: id = db.Column(db.Integer, primary_key=True)message_type_id = db.Column(db.Integer, db.ForeignKey('')) message_type: _tablename__ = 'message_type'id = db.Column(db.Integer, primary_key=T…
标签属性分类(元素对象属性) 不可见标签与可见标签: <head></head>        属于不可见标签, 里面的内容一般用于css还有全局的一些变量,声明等. 而且如果要引用全局css(如*{ -- }), head依然是不受影响的区块. 可见标签    <html> 和<body>均属于可见区块. 标签属性: 普遍属性    全局都可以生效 特定属性    不同的标签有它们特有的属性 <a>标签: <a></a>…
Business Manager System User Make programatic, automated actions on ad objects or Pages, or do programmatic ads buying. System users represent servers or software making API calls to assets owned or managed by a Business Manager. The easiest, quickes…
档 ID 420787.1 White Paper Oracle Applications Multiple Organizations Access Control for Custom Code Checked for relevance on 12-JAN-2011 See Change Record This document discusses how to update the customization code that is affected by the access con…
<Windows Azure Platform 系列文章目录> 在上面一篇博客中,笔者介绍了如何在RBAC里面,设置默认的Role. 这里笔者将介绍如何使用自定的Role. 主要内容有: 一.了解Role中的Action和NotAction 二.通过PowerShell,查看相应的Action 三.编辑json Template,自定义Role 四.设置相应的Role 五.删除自定义Role 一.了解Role中的Action和NotAction 比如SQL DB Contributor这个Ro…
Linux target framework (tgt) aims to simplify various SCSI target driver (iSCSI, Fibre Channel, SRP, etc) creation and maintenance. The key goals are the clean integration into the scsi-mid layer and implementing a great portion of tgt in user space.…
原文链接: ECI (28 Bits) = eNB ID(20 Bits) + Cell ID(8 Bits) 换成16进制就是ECI共7位,eNB ID5位,Cell ID 2位: 例如:Scell ID 80682509 转换成正常 EnodeB ID和CI 80682509换算为16进制就是4CF1E0D: 也就是eNB ID:4CF1E: Cell ID:0D ▊IMSI国 际移动用户识别码(IMSI:Intern…