Show Users Assigned to a Specific Role】的更多相关文章

In a previous post I showed you how to know what Roles are assigned to a specific user. But here is how you find out what Users are assigned to a specific Role. ) GROUP BY C.OPRID, C.OPRDEFNDESC , A.ROLENAME , A.DESCR ORDER BY C.OPRID;…
 Here is a query that I often use to lookup Roles assigned to a specific PeopleSoft user. At run time, replace :1 with OPRID your are looking for OR user name (partial search also works).SELECT C.OPRID,C.OPRDEFNDESC ,A.ROLENAME ,A.DESCRFROM PSROLEDEF…
SQL that I find useful in many occasions. It will return a list of permissions that are assigned to a specific user. SELECT d.oprid, d.oprdefndesc, c.roleuser, a.rolename, a.classid,b.classdefndescFROM psroleclass a, psclassdefn b, psroleuser c, psop…
PL/SQL 基础 ( 下 )   1. PL/SQL中的 SQL语句 - END语句与COMMIT等内容,没有任何关系. - PL/SQL does not directly support data definition language( DDL ) statements, such as CREATE TA BLE, ALTER TABLE, or DROP TABLE. - PL/SQL does not support data control language( DCL ) sta…
参见开发文档 Overview This document describes how to build applications that grant selected access to individual pages. Security Example To put the various aspects of page security in context, this document uses the following example application to illustr…
View Controller Basics   视图控制器基础 Apps running on iOS–based devices have a limited amount of screen space for displaying content and therefore must be creative in how they present information to the user. Apps that have lots of information to display… How to set up networking between Docker containers Last updated on March 20, 2015 Authored by Dan Nanni 3 Comments As you may be aware, Docker container technology has emerged as a viable l…
一.Collections API  参考: 因为API比较多,我就不一一列举,只列出比较重要的几个 1.创建collection官方示例:/admin/collections?action=CREATE&name=name&numShards=number&replicationFactor=number&maxShardsPerNode=num…
Unit1 SAP systems(SAP系统) 1.1 Explain the Key Capabilities of SAP NetWeaver(解释SAP NetWeaver的关键能力) Repository里显示的都是SAP系统里的东西 SAP Netweaver Capabilities User productivity(用户生产力) Business Intelligence Business Process Composition(即业务组合,用户使用composite appl…
Apache Shiro Reference Documentation Overview Core Spring-based Applications 1.Overview pom.xml <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <project xmlns="" xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.…