[FROM MSDN && 百科] 原型:char *strstr(const char *str1, const char *str2); #include<string.h> 找出str2字符串在str1字符串中第一次出现的位置(不包括str2的串结束符).返回该位置的指针,如找不到,返回空指针. Returns a pointer to the first occurrence of strSearch in str, or NULL if strSearch does…
1.字符串 字符串本质就是一串字符,在C++中大家想到字符串往往第一反应是std::string(后面简称string) 字符串得从C语言说起,string其实是个类,C语言是没有class的,所以C语言的字符串其实就是字符数组,也就是char [ ] ,例如: char str[10]; //定义了一个有十个元素的数组,元素类型为字符char char str[10] = {"hello"}; //"h e l l o \0"五个字符赋给str数组, 然…
#include <stdio.h> char* stringCopy( char* dest, const char* src ) { size_t i = 0; while (dest[i] = src[i++]); return dest; } int binary_search(int *arr, int key, int n) { int i = n / 2; if (arr[i] < key) { for ( ++i; i < n; ++i) { if (arr[i]…
http://stackoverflow.com/questions/228532/difference-between-char-isdigit-and-char-isnumber-in-c-sharp Char.IsDigit() is a subset of Char.IsNumber(). Some of the characters that are 'numeric' but not digits include 0x00b2 and 0x00b3 which are supersc…