@interface MyClass : NSObject { NSString *name; NSArray *items; Something *something; IBOutlet NSTextField *myTextField; } @property (nonatomic, retain) NSString *name; @property (nonatomic, retain) NSArray *items; in the iPhone world, there's no gar…
As mentioned earlier, the default behavior for a writeable property is to use an instance variable called _propertyName. If you wish to use a different name for the instance variable, you need to direct the compiler to synthesize the variable using t…
原来非ARC代码是 @interface MHWebImageDownloader : NSObject { id<MHWebImageDownloaderDelegate> delegate; } . . . @property (nonatomic, weak) id<MHWebImageDownloaderDelegate> delegate; 变为 ARC 该代码报错,Existing instance variable 'delegate' for property wi…
这里列举的是一些我平时碰到的一些Java Grammar,日积月累. Class Variable vs Instance Variable: Instance variables Instance variable is the variable declared inside a class, but outside a method Instance variables belong to an instance of a class. Another way of saying that…
xcode编译提示问题:Existing instance variable '_delegate' for property 'delegate' with  assign attribute must be __unsafe_unretained 改动为: __unsafe_unretained id<QuadCurveMenuDelegate> _delegate; 这样就能够编译通过了.…
Local declaration of 'XXX' hides instance variable   是因为本地变量名跟函数变量名同名 ,.在命名上要注意.....  …
今天调试程序遇到这么一个警告! Local declaration of 'XXX' hides instance variable 遇到这种原因,是因为本地变量跟函数参数变量同名.改变其一即可.…
class Test { // Instance variable or member variable private int value = 10; void method() { // This local variable hides instance variable int value = 40; System.out.println("Value of Instance variable :" + this.value); System.out.println("…
一般这样用tf.get_variable(): v = tf.get_variable(name, shape, dtype, initializer) 下面内容来源于 http://blog.csdn.net/u012436149/article/details/53696970 当我们需要共享变量的时候,需要使用tf.get_variable() 使用tf.Variable时,如果检测到命名冲突,系统会自己处理.使用tf.get_variable()时,系统不会处理冲突,而会报错,例子: i…
在<定量变量和定性变量的转换(Transform of Quantitative & Qualitative Variables)>一文中,我们可以看到虚拟变量(Dummy Variable)与独热编码( One Hot Encoding)非常相似,其不同之处在于:在虚拟编码方案中,当特征具有 m 个不同类别标签时,我们将得到 m-1 个二进制特征,作为基准的特征被完全忽略:而在独热编码方案中,我们将得到 m 个二进制特征. 可以看到,独热编码( One Hot Encoding)比虚…